PLIM Spiritual Class Notes, Thursday, April 2, 2020
Dr. Lee Warren, BA, DD
Edited by Dr. Penny Warren, MA, DD
Scripture Lesson: Jer. 8:22; Job 20:16
Topic: The Coronavirus and Its Effects by Elohim’s Divine Migratory Pattern:Yahweh’s Antiviral Natural Plants & Supplements - P. 3 - Focus on Vaccines
Jer. 8:22 Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?
Job 20:16 He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper's tongue shall slay him.
Man is made in the image and likeness of Elohim. (Gen. 1:26-27; 2:7; Tabernacle Pattern)
The plants were created on the third day of Moses Vision.
Plants were created by Yahweh Elohim to transform or transmute the inorganic minerals, such as calcium, magnesium potassium, sodium, chloride etc. of the earth, Which the body cannot absorb, into organic bio availability for the body and living creatures.
In this biosphere, plants have unique functions in that they supply food and medicine to man and creatures of this realm. They also supply oxygen to the biosphere by taking in carbon dioxide.
Man and plants have synergistic relationships.
Food & oxygen = energy
Plants supplies the physical body with life sustaining substances: minerals, Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, oxygen.
As this pandemic is sweeping the world and especially the US, our leaders are searching for a cure for Covid-19. The world cases are surging toward one million and deaths are approaching 48,000. The Red Dragon China is telling a big lie about their case and death numbers. It’s probably in the millions. Besides the world’s rising cases and deaths, the world’s economy, especially the US and China's supply line for the world economy, has come to a screeching halt, resulting in the collapse of the world’s economies and financial markets. The US DOW collapsed over 30% in less than 30 days. This was the fastest drop in the history of the stock market. You must keep in mind that this is a fulfillment of Revelation 18th Chapter, Babylon is falling, falling.
The nations of the world are scrabbling for a vaccination for the Covid-19. They are spending billions of dollars on this research.
Many pharmaceutical corporations, and research firms have a number of candidates in line for human trial testing under the guidelines of the CDC in the next 12-24 months.
Now vaccinations for the virus face many hurdles. One of the most common is the virus’ ability to mutate. Each year a new vaccination must be adjusted to compensate for the virus mutations, as with the common flu virus shot.
A magazine article below dated 18 MARCH 2020, called “Coronavirus vaccines: five key questions as trials begin,” describes various issues confronting scientists and doctors. As the “first in human’ trials get going, key questions about how our immune system fights off the virus — and how to safely trigger a similar immune response with a vaccine — remain unanswered. “
Here are the five questions a vaccine will have to answer during human trials
Do people develop immunity?
Vaccines help a person to generate an immune response against an infection without first being exposed to the pathogen. Studies of other coronaviruses, such as the four that cause some common colds, lead most researchers to assume that people who have recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection will be protected from reinfection for a period of time. But that assumption needs to be backed by evidence, says Michael Diamond, a viral immunologist at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. “We don’t know that much about immunity to this virus.”
A preprint1 posted online on 14 March by a team based in China looked at two rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) that had recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection, which caused them only mild illness. The monkeys did not seem to become re-infected when researchers exposed them to the virus for a second time four weeks after their initial exposure.
Researchers will be looking for evidence that humans react in the same way, for instance by studying people potentially exposed multiple times, Diamond says.
If humans do develop immunity, how long does it last?
That’s another big unknown. Immunity is short-lived for the coronaviruses that cause common colds; even people who have high levels of antibodies against these viruses can still become infected, says Stanley Perlman, a coronavirologist at the University of Iowa in Iowa City.
The evidence is more equivocal for the two other coronaviruses that have triggered epidemics: those that cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). Perlman says his team has found that after people recover from MERS, their antibodies against the virus drop precipitously. He also says that his team has gathered data — not yet published — showing that SARS antibodies are still present in the body 15 years after infection. But it’s not clear whether this immune response is enough to prevent reinfection. “We don’t have good evidence of long-lasting immunity, but we also don’t have really good data from both SARS and MERS,” Perlman adds.
What kind of immune response should vaccine developers look for?
The phase I trial that began this week focuses on the safety of a vaccine developed by Moderna, a company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. But researchers will also look closely at the nature of the immune response the vaccine summons.
The Moderna vaccine consists of an RNA molecule. Like many of the other SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in development, it is designed to train the immune system to make antibodies that recognize and block the spike protein that the virus uses to enter human cells. (See ** 2015 Lipinsky articles below)
“I think it’s reasonable as a first pass, but we will learn that, perhaps, antibody responses to the spike exclusively may not be the whole story,” says Diamond. A successful SARS-CoV-2 vaccine might need to prompt the body to generate antibodies that block other viral proteins, for instance, or make T cells that can recognize and kill infected cells.
How do we know if a vaccine is likely to work?
Normally, vaccines go into human trials after tests for safety and effectiveness in animals. But the Moderna vaccine and another being developed by Inovio Pharmaceuticals in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, are being tested in animals at the same time as human phase I trials are happening. Inovio plans to begin its first human trial in April.
“In a non-emergency situation you might do this in a more serial way, but in this case a lot of things are being done in parallel,” says Barney Graham, deputy-director of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Vaccine Research Center in Bethesda, Maryland, which is sponsoring the Moderna vaccine trial.
In a 2 March preprint2, researchers reported injecting Inovio’s vaccine — a DNA molecule carrying instructions to make the spike protein — into mice and guinea pigs. They found that the animals produced both antibodies and T cells against the virus. Study leader Kate Broderick, Inovio’s senior vice-president for preclinical research and development, says that her team has now given the vaccine to monkeys and is soon to start studies in which vaccinated animals are infected with the virus to see whether they are protected. Such ‘challenge’ studies are also in the works for the Moderna vaccine, says Graham.
He adds that large, costly trials of whether a vaccine can prevent infections in people won’t proceed without such data from animals. Diamond expects that as researchers learn more about the infection from both human and animal studies, they will get a better sense of which vaccines are likely to work best. “It may not be the most efficient way to do it. But it may be the most expedient way to generate a vaccine,” says Diamond.
SELENIUM: Why You Need It and Where To Get It
Time: 7:30-12:59
**Lipinski 2015, Ebola and Selenium: How not to catch the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
The only people that can be infected by the 2019-n Coronavirus have less than 98.7 µg/L of Selenium in plasma or serum. Those who have enough Selenium are immune to this and all other enveloped viruses. Selenium can be obtained from Brazil nuts, Selenium pills or Astragalus tea.
This is why only some people get the flu and why others get it infrequently or never at all.
We only found this out in 2015 when Lipinski @ Harvard figured out why some people were immune to Ebola, a fact well documented in medical archives.
Two Brazil nuts a day will do it. An Asia astragalus tea is the primary source of selenium.
**2015 Lipinski - Can Selenite Be An Ultimate Inhibitor Of Ebola And Other Viral Infections?
“It is known that the virulence of Ebola and other RNA enveloped viruses involves in the first step their attachment to host cell membranes. Following this initial step the virus enters the target cell cytoplasm by forming hydrophobic spikes that make holes in the membrane lipid bilayer. Formation of such spikes is catalyzed by the reduced form of viral protein disulfide isomerase (PDIred) thus initiating chain of disulfide exchange reactions. Consequently, hydrophobic protein epitopes become exposed, which in the absence of proper chaperones form hydrophobic ‘spikes’ capable of penetrating the host cell membranes.
In this communication evidence is discussed showing that the chain of disulfide exchange events can be inhibited by a small redox molecule – sodium selenite.
It is suggested that this inexpensive and readily available food supplement can be an ultimate inhibitor of Ebola and other enveloped viral infections.”
“other enveloped viral infections” - that’s pretty much all of them.
**EXCLUSIVE: Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING The Deep State Is Trying To Hide ... MUST WATCH
Time 33:01- Virus 3fold protrude S protein, surface of virus, dna virus (See 2015 Lipinsky article on page 14)
43:50-46:37 46:37-49:36 strength Immune System
Will it be safe?
Because they are given to large numbers of healthy people, vaccines usually have a higher bar for safety than do drugs administered to people who are already ill. With SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, researchers’ main safety concern is to avoid a phenomenon called disease enhancement, in which vaccinated people who do get infected develop a more severe form of the disease than people who have never been vaccinated. In studies of an experimental SARS vaccine reported3 in 2004, vaccinated ferrets developed damaging inflammation in their livers after being infected with the virus.
Peter Hotez, a vaccine scientist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, thinks potential vaccines should be tested in animals first to rule out disease enhancement, before trials move on to humans. He says he understands the reasoning for pushing SARS-CoV-2 vaccines to human tests quickly, but adds that, because of the possibility that a vaccine could enhance disease, “I’m not sure this is the vaccine you want to do it for”.
In testing the Moderna vaccine, Graham says, the NIH will move to larger human studies only once human and animal studies confirm that the vaccine is safe. He says the risk of enhancement is low, but “the risk of not getting vaccines advanced quickly — so that we can have something available for the next winter season to at least test in the field — that risk is fairly high”.
Nature 579, 481 (2020)
doi: 10.1038/d41586-020-00798-8 Additional reporting by Monya Baker.
Vaccine Current Events
USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Jaynes, who penned thrillers exposing the murderous vaccine deep state, found shot to death
Dr. Soumya Swaminathan publicly defended vaccine safety just days earlier
Mandatory Flu Vaccine Coming Your Way?
Secret Court Issuing Website "Takedown" Orders in America, Targeting "Vaccine Truth" Sites
Bill Gates Calls for a “Digital Certificate” to Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine
Vaccine FAIL: “Whooping Cough Outbreak Closes Texas School Despite 100-Percent Vaccination Rate: Officials”
Click here to read the article
Click here to read the article
Vaccines now being used to harvest biometric identities of everyone; Big Brother merges with Big Pharma
Click here to read the article
Dr. Lee Warren, BA, DD
Edited by Dr. Penny Warren, MA, DD
Scripture Lesson: Jer. 8:22; Job 20:16
Topic: The Coronavirus and Its Effects by Elohim’s Divine Migratory Pattern:Yahweh’s Antiviral Natural Plants & Supplements - P. 3 - Focus on Vaccines
Jer. 8:22 Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?
Job 20:16 He shall suck the poison of asps: the viper's tongue shall slay him.
Man is made in the image and likeness of Elohim. (Gen. 1:26-27; 2:7; Tabernacle Pattern)
The plants were created on the third day of Moses Vision.
Plants were created by Yahweh Elohim to transform or transmute the inorganic minerals, such as calcium, magnesium potassium, sodium, chloride etc. of the earth, Which the body cannot absorb, into organic bio availability for the body and living creatures.
In this biosphere, plants have unique functions in that they supply food and medicine to man and creatures of this realm. They also supply oxygen to the biosphere by taking in carbon dioxide.
Man and plants have synergistic relationships.
Food & oxygen = energy
Plants supplies the physical body with life sustaining substances: minerals, Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, oxygen.
As this pandemic is sweeping the world and especially the US, our leaders are searching for a cure for Covid-19. The world cases are surging toward one million and deaths are approaching 48,000. The Red Dragon China is telling a big lie about their case and death numbers. It’s probably in the millions. Besides the world’s rising cases and deaths, the world’s economy, especially the US and China's supply line for the world economy, has come to a screeching halt, resulting in the collapse of the world’s economies and financial markets. The US DOW collapsed over 30% in less than 30 days. This was the fastest drop in the history of the stock market. You must keep in mind that this is a fulfillment of Revelation 18th Chapter, Babylon is falling, falling.
The nations of the world are scrabbling for a vaccination for the Covid-19. They are spending billions of dollars on this research.
Many pharmaceutical corporations, and research firms have a number of candidates in line for human trial testing under the guidelines of the CDC in the next 12-24 months.
Now vaccinations for the virus face many hurdles. One of the most common is the virus’ ability to mutate. Each year a new vaccination must be adjusted to compensate for the virus mutations, as with the common flu virus shot.
A magazine article below dated 18 MARCH 2020, called “Coronavirus vaccines: five key questions as trials begin,” describes various issues confronting scientists and doctors. As the “first in human’ trials get going, key questions about how our immune system fights off the virus — and how to safely trigger a similar immune response with a vaccine — remain unanswered. “
Here are the five questions a vaccine will have to answer during human trials
Do people develop immunity?
Vaccines help a person to generate an immune response against an infection without first being exposed to the pathogen. Studies of other coronaviruses, such as the four that cause some common colds, lead most researchers to assume that people who have recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection will be protected from reinfection for a period of time. But that assumption needs to be backed by evidence, says Michael Diamond, a viral immunologist at Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri. “We don’t know that much about immunity to this virus.”
A preprint1 posted online on 14 March by a team based in China looked at two rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) that had recovered from SARS-CoV-2 infection, which caused them only mild illness. The monkeys did not seem to become re-infected when researchers exposed them to the virus for a second time four weeks after their initial exposure.
Researchers will be looking for evidence that humans react in the same way, for instance by studying people potentially exposed multiple times, Diamond says.
If humans do develop immunity, how long does it last?
That’s another big unknown. Immunity is short-lived for the coronaviruses that cause common colds; even people who have high levels of antibodies against these viruses can still become infected, says Stanley Perlman, a coronavirologist at the University of Iowa in Iowa City.
The evidence is more equivocal for the two other coronaviruses that have triggered epidemics: those that cause severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). Perlman says his team has found that after people recover from MERS, their antibodies against the virus drop precipitously. He also says that his team has gathered data — not yet published — showing that SARS antibodies are still present in the body 15 years after infection. But it’s not clear whether this immune response is enough to prevent reinfection. “We don’t have good evidence of long-lasting immunity, but we also don’t have really good data from both SARS and MERS,” Perlman adds.
What kind of immune response should vaccine developers look for?
The phase I trial that began this week focuses on the safety of a vaccine developed by Moderna, a company based in Cambridge, Massachusetts. But researchers will also look closely at the nature of the immune response the vaccine summons.
The Moderna vaccine consists of an RNA molecule. Like many of the other SARS-CoV-2 vaccines in development, it is designed to train the immune system to make antibodies that recognize and block the spike protein that the virus uses to enter human cells. (See ** 2015 Lipinsky articles below)
“I think it’s reasonable as a first pass, but we will learn that, perhaps, antibody responses to the spike exclusively may not be the whole story,” says Diamond. A successful SARS-CoV-2 vaccine might need to prompt the body to generate antibodies that block other viral proteins, for instance, or make T cells that can recognize and kill infected cells.
How do we know if a vaccine is likely to work?
Normally, vaccines go into human trials after tests for safety and effectiveness in animals. But the Moderna vaccine and another being developed by Inovio Pharmaceuticals in Plymouth Meeting, Pennsylvania, are being tested in animals at the same time as human phase I trials are happening. Inovio plans to begin its first human trial in April.
“In a non-emergency situation you might do this in a more serial way, but in this case a lot of things are being done in parallel,” says Barney Graham, deputy-director of the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) Vaccine Research Center in Bethesda, Maryland, which is sponsoring the Moderna vaccine trial.
In a 2 March preprint2, researchers reported injecting Inovio’s vaccine — a DNA molecule carrying instructions to make the spike protein — into mice and guinea pigs. They found that the animals produced both antibodies and T cells against the virus. Study leader Kate Broderick, Inovio’s senior vice-president for preclinical research and development, says that her team has now given the vaccine to monkeys and is soon to start studies in which vaccinated animals are infected with the virus to see whether they are protected. Such ‘challenge’ studies are also in the works for the Moderna vaccine, says Graham.
He adds that large, costly trials of whether a vaccine can prevent infections in people won’t proceed without such data from animals. Diamond expects that as researchers learn more about the infection from both human and animal studies, they will get a better sense of which vaccines are likely to work best. “It may not be the most efficient way to do it. But it may be the most expedient way to generate a vaccine,” says Diamond.
SELENIUM: Why You Need It and Where To Get It
Time: 7:30-12:59
**Lipinski 2015, Ebola and Selenium: How not to catch the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)
The only people that can be infected by the 2019-n Coronavirus have less than 98.7 µg/L of Selenium in plasma or serum. Those who have enough Selenium are immune to this and all other enveloped viruses. Selenium can be obtained from Brazil nuts, Selenium pills or Astragalus tea.
This is why only some people get the flu and why others get it infrequently or never at all.
We only found this out in 2015 when Lipinski @ Harvard figured out why some people were immune to Ebola, a fact well documented in medical archives.
Two Brazil nuts a day will do it. An Asia astragalus tea is the primary source of selenium.
**2015 Lipinski - Can Selenite Be An Ultimate Inhibitor Of Ebola And Other Viral Infections?
“It is known that the virulence of Ebola and other RNA enveloped viruses involves in the first step their attachment to host cell membranes. Following this initial step the virus enters the target cell cytoplasm by forming hydrophobic spikes that make holes in the membrane lipid bilayer. Formation of such spikes is catalyzed by the reduced form of viral protein disulfide isomerase (PDIred) thus initiating chain of disulfide exchange reactions. Consequently, hydrophobic protein epitopes become exposed, which in the absence of proper chaperones form hydrophobic ‘spikes’ capable of penetrating the host cell membranes.
In this communication evidence is discussed showing that the chain of disulfide exchange events can be inhibited by a small redox molecule – sodium selenite.
It is suggested that this inexpensive and readily available food supplement can be an ultimate inhibitor of Ebola and other enveloped viral infections.”
“other enveloped viral infections” - that’s pretty much all of them.
**EXCLUSIVE: Top Doctor EXPOSES EVERYTHING The Deep State Is Trying To Hide ... MUST WATCH
Time 33:01- Virus 3fold protrude S protein, surface of virus, dna virus (See 2015 Lipinsky article on page 14)
43:50-46:37 46:37-49:36 strength Immune System
Will it be safe?
Because they are given to large numbers of healthy people, vaccines usually have a higher bar for safety than do drugs administered to people who are already ill. With SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, researchers’ main safety concern is to avoid a phenomenon called disease enhancement, in which vaccinated people who do get infected develop a more severe form of the disease than people who have never been vaccinated. In studies of an experimental SARS vaccine reported3 in 2004, vaccinated ferrets developed damaging inflammation in their livers after being infected with the virus.
Peter Hotez, a vaccine scientist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas, thinks potential vaccines should be tested in animals first to rule out disease enhancement, before trials move on to humans. He says he understands the reasoning for pushing SARS-CoV-2 vaccines to human tests quickly, but adds that, because of the possibility that a vaccine could enhance disease, “I’m not sure this is the vaccine you want to do it for”.
In testing the Moderna vaccine, Graham says, the NIH will move to larger human studies only once human and animal studies confirm that the vaccine is safe. He says the risk of enhancement is low, but “the risk of not getting vaccines advanced quickly — so that we can have something available for the next winter season to at least test in the field — that risk is fairly high”.
Nature 579, 481 (2020)
doi: 10.1038/d41586-020-00798-8 Additional reporting by Monya Baker.
Vaccine Current Events
USA Today bestselling author Jennifer Jaynes, who penned thrillers exposing the murderous vaccine deep state, found shot to death
Dr. Soumya Swaminathan publicly defended vaccine safety just days earlier
Mandatory Flu Vaccine Coming Your Way?
Secret Court Issuing Website "Takedown" Orders in America, Targeting "Vaccine Truth" Sites
Bill Gates Calls for a “Digital Certificate” to Identify Who Received COVID-19 Vaccine
Vaccine FAIL: “Whooping Cough Outbreak Closes Texas School Despite 100-Percent Vaccination Rate: Officials”
Click here to read the article
Click here to read the article
Vaccines now being used to harvest biometric identities of everyone; Big Brother merges with Big Pharma
Click here to read the article