From PLIM Email 7-17-21
CoVID Special Report, P. 27,
David Slays Goliath P.3. (I Sam. 17th Chap.)
P. 35, War, Pestilence CoVID-19, Famine (Depression) Continues Until the End of the Age.
Notice To The Reader: Due to time, we know many of you will not be able to read / view all the articles / videos below. However, it would be helpful if you take a moment to at least scan the titles so you can get a feel for the trends happening in the world. If an event happens or you see a news flash, it may trigger your memory of one of the titles below.
Most Americans have very little knowledge of the Truth and it’s power to slay the lies of the great Goliaths of today, the pharmaceutical industry, government, and Main Stream Media (MSM).
The Truth is censored by the MSM regarding the CoVID-19 virus and the side effects of the vaxxx, as the truth was censored by the leaders of Israel who warned the Apostles John and Peter not to preach in the name of Yahshua (Jesus KJV), after they healed the lame man at Gate Beautiful (Acts 3:2, 10). 5,000 Israelites were converted to the New Covenant on that same day, which is why the leaders of Israel told John and Peter not to preach in that name. They saw the power of the Truth.
Likewise, the Goliaths of today know the power of the Truth which is why they censor the side effects of the spike protein so-called vaccine, which is killing and maiming thousands of Americans.
However, the Truth is seeping out through their censorship, as green weeds of life break through the cracks of concrete in the sidewalk. It is impossible to stop the Truth.
Yahweh Elohim (Lord God In the KJV Bible) created vessels to speak the truth. As He told Moses, “who hath made man’s mouth?” (Exo. 4:11) and put my words therein, regardless of race, creed, sex or color. This was proven when Elohim spoke through Balaam’s ass (Num. 22:28).
“And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?” Numbers 22:28 KJV
In a video on Greg Hunter usawatchdog,com, he interviewed Clif High, “an Internet data mining expert who uses something he calls “Predictive Linguistics,” which sorts through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events.”
Hyperinflation Will Collapse Biden Administration – Clif High
From a divine, metaphysical stand point, “Predictive Linguistics,” works to some extent because the thoughts of mens’ mind are directed by spirit, which is often referred to in psychology as the Universal Mind or Consciousness. So the total thoughts of mankind on the internet, good, bad or indifference, convey His purpose.
“Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I Yahweh (the Lord) do all these things.”
Quoting a few excerpts from this video interview. Clif High speaks on many issues facing the Biden Administration: inflation, hyper-inflation, the value of the dollar failing, the astronomical value rise of gold and silver, millions of mass casualties, deaths, and injuries from the covid shot, and the possible collapse of the American society, as most of the skilled workers die or become incapacitated.
What is not fully understood by Clif High and others is that the principalities and workers of darkness in high places, (Eph. 6:12) the followers of Satan, are orchestrating the changes in society, caused by pestilences of coronavirus, the vaccines, dollar failing, wars, etc.
Continuing with the Clif High quote, “He has many well-documented correct predictions. High predicted a month ago, “The Biden Administration would be in full collapse by this fall.” The CV19 Vax door knocking campaign from the Biden camp, to harass people into getting the jab, is simply a prelude to the coming collapse. High explains, “It’s a sign of desperation, and it’s a sign of weakness. . . . What they do not realize is the people doing this work are going to be assaulted by the people they are going to be talking to verbally and sometimes physically. It won’t go well for the workers. It’s going to cause lots and lots and lots of videos and audio recordings to come into existence that the Biden Administration will desperately not want to have happened. At some point, I think it will be the PR aspect that will get them to cancel it. . . . People will take the opportunity to ‘red pill’ these workers and record it. . . . It will be like my enemy is sending his troops to me. Let me see if I can convert them to my purpose.”
See in the following video that this has already started.
Epic: Woman Confronts LA Covid Vaccine Enforcers, Tells Them to ‘Get Out’ for Violating Medical Privacy
“High also talks about the breakdown of society because so many high-skilled people will die from the jabs. High says the “lockdown plan that would have killed many has failed,” because of President Trump."
"High also contends, “The power elite are committed . . . .They can’t back down now, and they must continue with the idea of trying to kill as many of us as possible, especially now that we have had this great awakening and they have broken the veil of secrecy so to speak. This is why the door to door thing. . . . Inoculation is not a good thing, and the elite are trying to inoculate 95% of humanity out of existence. Going back to my data to 2003 and onward, there has always been this area of data that said 1.24 billion people would be dying prematurely. We are at the point right now that a little more than 2 billion people have been inoculated, injected with these mixtures, and if we take the numbers out of various institutes out of London . . . they estimate between 60% and 70% this coming winter will fall ill, and the vast majority of those people will die. . . . This is very close to what my data has predicted since 2003–1.2 4 billion people dying. So, imagine what that is going to do to our social order. . . . At that level, our society will be hovering around breakdown. We won’t have truck drivers, doctors, dentists, and a lot of the healthcare workers inoculated themselves. We won’t have airline pilots, and we may not have pilots for large ships to get them in and out of port. That’s a highly skilled job, and it takes years to train someone.”
“High also has data on the massive amounts of bodies that will need to be buried or cremated because of the deaths from the CV19 jabs. It is gruesome.”
Remember, there was population control at the births of Moses (Exo. 1:16) and Yahshua (Matt. 2:16-18).
This Satanic system will be all overthrown as the book of Revelation reveals in Apostle John’s panoramic vision in Revelation.
Short written Review of the Cliff high Interview
Now the elite organization which is out front in the world pushing the Great Reset is the World Economic Forum (WEF) led by Thule founder Klaus Schwab. Remember, the Great Reset is a reflect of the New Covenant (Jer. 31:31-34). As the old system collapses, they plan to replace it with a New World Order, as the Old Covenant was replaced by the New (Heb. 8:13). Most organizations that agree with this position are behind the scenes.
Quoting below from his meeting July 7, “In a recent video message, the Bond villain-esque Schwab warns other globalists about the threat of people being proud of their country because it undermines a global society framework.“
Flashback: Klaus Schwab Admits Nationalism a Threat to Great Reset
He further states this cabal is planning a cyber attack on the power supply, transportation, hospitals, etc.
Continuing to quote from the article above. “In the same speech, Schwab mentioned the prospect of a “cyber [pandemic]…which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital hospital, services, our society as a whole.”
“The Covid-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.”
Question? Did Russian hackers cause the recent cyber attacks as we have been told by the media or did this cabal orchestrate something as a test.
In the video below DeAnna Lorraine joins to reveals the war games plan of ‘Operation Cyber Polygon’ that the cabal elite Klaus Schwab, WEF, Bill Gates, and others are planning to unleash upon the whole world.
DeAnna said Operation Cyber Polygon’ is war gaming an cyber attack on the whole world ten times worst than the CoVID-19 virus and vaxxx.
Klaus Schwab, Globalist Elites Planning Attack That Will DWARF COVID-19
Similar war games were done by Bill Gates during Operation 201, where covid pandemic followed some months after. They said it was a coincidence.
Quoting from the Event 201 article. “The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”
Remember what President FDR 32 said. If the events happen, especially in politics, you can bet they were planned.
Question? how do you remake or social engineer society in your image? Quoting the article below entitled ‘Approaching Storm’ “….You can’t remake entire societies into quasi-totalitarian systems without civil unrest, chaos, rioting, war, or some other form of cataclysm.
Brainwashing the masses is all fine and good, but, at some point, you need to goad the people who are resisting your new totalitarian “reality” into getting unruly, so you can crack down on them, and transform them into official enemies, which appears to be what is happening currently.
GloboCap is dialing up the totalitarianism, and they are rubbing it in our faces.
Here in New Normal Germany, prominent health officials are openly barking out Goebbelsian slogans like “NO FREEDOM FOR THE UNVACCINATED!” and “THE UNVACCINATED ARE A DANGER TO SOCIETY!”
All over Europe, including the UK, where “Freedom Day” is fast approaching, pseudo-medical social-segregation systems are being implemented.”
Continuing the quote “In France, Greece, and many other countries, people who refuse to be “vaccinated” are being stripped of their jobs and otherwise punished.
In the USA, where the Unvaccinated are also being segregated, New Normal goon squads are going door-to-door, bullying “vaccine hesitant” families into conforming to the new official ideology.”
The Approaching Storm
Few understand the purpose of the President Biden 46 Administrations in Elohim’s purpose and it is not good for the freedom and liberty we Americans have under the Constitution. The key to the Biden Administration is the number 46. More on this future blog.
It is clear to those that have eyes to see and ears to hear that Klaus Schwab’s WEF and others intend to lead the whole world into the abyss of spiritual darkness.
Excerpts will be quoted from the following article entitled 'Technocrats leading the world into new Dark Age: But they can’t take us where we refuse to go’
“If you think the first six months of the Biden-Harris regime has brought head-spinning turns of events, from runaway inflation and open borders to a nationwide propaganda campaign for a specific medical treatment, brace yourself for more shockwaves in the second half of 2021.”
“The military is reportedly going to mandate the jab as of Sept 1. What happens to the soldiers who refuse? Will they be edged out and treated as deserters?”
“Hospitals across the country are threatening to fire their employees if they don’t take the jab, most giving a deadline of between Sept. 1 and Oct. 1. How will hospitals fill the voids if 15 to 20 percent of their medical staff quit?
Some hospital workers are already protesting.”
“When schools reopen this fall, school boards will be threatening to segregate children based on their vaccine status, an attempt to intimidate parents into consenting to have their kids injected with an experimental gene therapy with no data on long-term effects. The only way to stop this, according to actress and child-advocate Samaire Armstrong is for parents to be prepared to pull their children out of the public schools, thus cutting the flow of funding based on enrollment numbers.”
Technocrats leading the world into new Dark Age: But they can’t take us where we refuse to go
The article goes on to say Goliath is putting pressure on the Americans people to conform and take the shot.
They want 70% to 90% of Americans vaccinated but it is meeting great resistance.
For example, some of the major corporations, such as Bank of America, Morgan Stanley’s and others corporations have implemented mandatory vaccines policy. For workers to have access to their main offices, they must show proof of their vaccination.
There is great resistance building against Goliath forces all over the world.
“France President Emanuel Macron announced the introduction July 14 of full-blown vaccine passports, making proof of vaccine mandatory for participation in nearly all public life. French citizens are protesting in the streets.”
“Mass protests are also erupting in Greece as that nation gets ready to implement restrictions on the unvaccinated, banning them from social life.”
Goliath’s iron fist is being manifested and its becoming obvious to many in the whole world they are in evil case, as Israel discovered their plight in Egypt with Pharaoh (Exo. 5:19).
The writer of this article points out the seriousness of what getting the shot means. Most think the shot has no spiritual significance. They are getting the shot to travel, have access to many sports and entertainment events, and others privilege allotted to those vaccinated.
Clearly, those that can see the principle here understand this is a manifestation of the mark of the beast.
Quoting from this same article “These “vaccinated” folks will be marked as candidates for full citizenship in the coming New World Order, rebranded as the Great Reset, which you can find out more about by buzzing over to the World Economic Forum’s website. There you will see how this organization has all the answers to save the world from not only COVID but climate change, digital cyber hacking, disinformation on the Internet and the whole gamut of problems that threaten our very existence.
“Most of those who have already received the jab did not need to be threatened with loss of job or social status. They willingly offered their bodies for this grand experiment. They laid their individual critical-thinking skills at the altar set up by their new masters – the people who run the world’s governments, biggest corporations and Big Tech social media giants. They told us the injections would be good for us, and 50 percent of the population instinctively believed and obeyed.” Wow!!!”
“No, I said they were candidates for global citizenry in this new system the elites have designed for the world. They passed the first test. They were willing to throw caution to the wind and trust, implicitly, the dictates of Dr. Anthony Fauci and others who make up the medical establishment. These are the “experts” who appear daily on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS. They have the blessing of Facebook-Twitter and have been anointed by the online “fact checkers” offered up by Google.
“Some will surely still see the light, wake up and realize they were deceived by this vast establishment that runs all the major institutions of our society. But the majority will remain in their stupor as they slow walk all the way to their death.”
France’s mandatory ‘health pass’ with government-issued QR codes for access to everyday life is the start of a dystopian nightmare
Videos: CNN Claims Fox News, Republicans “Killing People” With Anti-Vax “Bullshit”
Think They’ll Stop at 3 Shots? The UK Is Talking About Monthly “Vaccines” for “Long-COVID” Patients
CoVID Special Report, P. 27,
David Slays Goliath P.3. (I Sam. 17th Chap.)
P. 35, War, Pestilence CoVID-19, Famine (Depression) Continues Until the End of the Age.
Notice To The Reader: Due to time, we know many of you will not be able to read / view all the articles / videos below. However, it would be helpful if you take a moment to at least scan the titles so you can get a feel for the trends happening in the world. If an event happens or you see a news flash, it may trigger your memory of one of the titles below.
Most Americans have very little knowledge of the Truth and it’s power to slay the lies of the great Goliaths of today, the pharmaceutical industry, government, and Main Stream Media (MSM).
The Truth is censored by the MSM regarding the CoVID-19 virus and the side effects of the vaxxx, as the truth was censored by the leaders of Israel who warned the Apostles John and Peter not to preach in the name of Yahshua (Jesus KJV), after they healed the lame man at Gate Beautiful (Acts 3:2, 10). 5,000 Israelites were converted to the New Covenant on that same day, which is why the leaders of Israel told John and Peter not to preach in that name. They saw the power of the Truth.
Likewise, the Goliaths of today know the power of the Truth which is why they censor the side effects of the spike protein so-called vaccine, which is killing and maiming thousands of Americans.
However, the Truth is seeping out through their censorship, as green weeds of life break through the cracks of concrete in the sidewalk. It is impossible to stop the Truth.
Yahweh Elohim (Lord God In the KJV Bible) created vessels to speak the truth. As He told Moses, “who hath made man’s mouth?” (Exo. 4:11) and put my words therein, regardless of race, creed, sex or color. This was proven when Elohim spoke through Balaam’s ass (Num. 22:28).
“And the LORD opened the mouth of the ass, and she said unto Balaam, What have I done unto thee, that thou hast smitten me these three times?” Numbers 22:28 KJV
In a video on Greg Hunter usawatchdog,com, he interviewed Clif High, “an Internet data mining expert who uses something he calls “Predictive Linguistics,” which sorts through billions of bits of information on the Internet to predict future trends and events.”
Hyperinflation Will Collapse Biden Administration – Clif High
From a divine, metaphysical stand point, “Predictive Linguistics,” works to some extent because the thoughts of mens’ mind are directed by spirit, which is often referred to in psychology as the Universal Mind or Consciousness. So the total thoughts of mankind on the internet, good, bad or indifference, convey His purpose.
“Isa 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I Yahweh (the Lord) do all these things.”
Quoting a few excerpts from this video interview. Clif High speaks on many issues facing the Biden Administration: inflation, hyper-inflation, the value of the dollar failing, the astronomical value rise of gold and silver, millions of mass casualties, deaths, and injuries from the covid shot, and the possible collapse of the American society, as most of the skilled workers die or become incapacitated.
What is not fully understood by Clif High and others is that the principalities and workers of darkness in high places, (Eph. 6:12) the followers of Satan, are orchestrating the changes in society, caused by pestilences of coronavirus, the vaccines, dollar failing, wars, etc.
Continuing with the Clif High quote, “He has many well-documented correct predictions. High predicted a month ago, “The Biden Administration would be in full collapse by this fall.” The CV19 Vax door knocking campaign from the Biden camp, to harass people into getting the jab, is simply a prelude to the coming collapse. High explains, “It’s a sign of desperation, and it’s a sign of weakness. . . . What they do not realize is the people doing this work are going to be assaulted by the people they are going to be talking to verbally and sometimes physically. It won’t go well for the workers. It’s going to cause lots and lots and lots of videos and audio recordings to come into existence that the Biden Administration will desperately not want to have happened. At some point, I think it will be the PR aspect that will get them to cancel it. . . . People will take the opportunity to ‘red pill’ these workers and record it. . . . It will be like my enemy is sending his troops to me. Let me see if I can convert them to my purpose.”
See in the following video that this has already started.
Epic: Woman Confronts LA Covid Vaccine Enforcers, Tells Them to ‘Get Out’ for Violating Medical Privacy
“High also talks about the breakdown of society because so many high-skilled people will die from the jabs. High says the “lockdown plan that would have killed many has failed,” because of President Trump."
"High also contends, “The power elite are committed . . . .They can’t back down now, and they must continue with the idea of trying to kill as many of us as possible, especially now that we have had this great awakening and they have broken the veil of secrecy so to speak. This is why the door to door thing. . . . Inoculation is not a good thing, and the elite are trying to inoculate 95% of humanity out of existence. Going back to my data to 2003 and onward, there has always been this area of data that said 1.24 billion people would be dying prematurely. We are at the point right now that a little more than 2 billion people have been inoculated, injected with these mixtures, and if we take the numbers out of various institutes out of London . . . they estimate between 60% and 70% this coming winter will fall ill, and the vast majority of those people will die. . . . This is very close to what my data has predicted since 2003–1.2 4 billion people dying. So, imagine what that is going to do to our social order. . . . At that level, our society will be hovering around breakdown. We won’t have truck drivers, doctors, dentists, and a lot of the healthcare workers inoculated themselves. We won’t have airline pilots, and we may not have pilots for large ships to get them in and out of port. That’s a highly skilled job, and it takes years to train someone.”
“High also has data on the massive amounts of bodies that will need to be buried or cremated because of the deaths from the CV19 jabs. It is gruesome.”
Remember, there was population control at the births of Moses (Exo. 1:16) and Yahshua (Matt. 2:16-18).
This Satanic system will be all overthrown as the book of Revelation reveals in Apostle John’s panoramic vision in Revelation.
Short written Review of the Cliff high Interview
Now the elite organization which is out front in the world pushing the Great Reset is the World Economic Forum (WEF) led by Thule founder Klaus Schwab. Remember, the Great Reset is a reflect of the New Covenant (Jer. 31:31-34). As the old system collapses, they plan to replace it with a New World Order, as the Old Covenant was replaced by the New (Heb. 8:13). Most organizations that agree with this position are behind the scenes.
Quoting below from his meeting July 7, “In a recent video message, the Bond villain-esque Schwab warns other globalists about the threat of people being proud of their country because it undermines a global society framework.“
Flashback: Klaus Schwab Admits Nationalism a Threat to Great Reset
He further states this cabal is planning a cyber attack on the power supply, transportation, hospitals, etc.
Continuing to quote from the article above. “In the same speech, Schwab mentioned the prospect of a “cyber [pandemic]…which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital hospital, services, our society as a whole.”
“The Covid-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyber attack.”
Question? Did Russian hackers cause the recent cyber attacks as we have been told by the media or did this cabal orchestrate something as a test.
In the video below DeAnna Lorraine joins to reveals the war games plan of ‘Operation Cyber Polygon’ that the cabal elite Klaus Schwab, WEF, Bill Gates, and others are planning to unleash upon the whole world.
DeAnna said Operation Cyber Polygon’ is war gaming an cyber attack on the whole world ten times worst than the CoVID-19 virus and vaxxx.
Klaus Schwab, Globalist Elites Planning Attack That Will DWARF COVID-19
Similar war games were done by Bill Gates during Operation 201, where covid pandemic followed some months after. They said it was a coincidence.
Quoting from the Event 201 article. “The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY. The exercise illustrated areas where public/private partnerships will be necessary during the response to a severe pandemic in order to diminish large-scale economic and societal consequences.”
Remember what President FDR 32 said. If the events happen, especially in politics, you can bet they were planned.
Question? how do you remake or social engineer society in your image? Quoting the article below entitled ‘Approaching Storm’ “….You can’t remake entire societies into quasi-totalitarian systems without civil unrest, chaos, rioting, war, or some other form of cataclysm.
Brainwashing the masses is all fine and good, but, at some point, you need to goad the people who are resisting your new totalitarian “reality” into getting unruly, so you can crack down on them, and transform them into official enemies, which appears to be what is happening currently.
GloboCap is dialing up the totalitarianism, and they are rubbing it in our faces.
Here in New Normal Germany, prominent health officials are openly barking out Goebbelsian slogans like “NO FREEDOM FOR THE UNVACCINATED!” and “THE UNVACCINATED ARE A DANGER TO SOCIETY!”
All over Europe, including the UK, where “Freedom Day” is fast approaching, pseudo-medical social-segregation systems are being implemented.”
Continuing the quote “In France, Greece, and many other countries, people who refuse to be “vaccinated” are being stripped of their jobs and otherwise punished.
In the USA, where the Unvaccinated are also being segregated, New Normal goon squads are going door-to-door, bullying “vaccine hesitant” families into conforming to the new official ideology.”
The Approaching Storm
Few understand the purpose of the President Biden 46 Administrations in Elohim’s purpose and it is not good for the freedom and liberty we Americans have under the Constitution. The key to the Biden Administration is the number 46. More on this future blog.
It is clear to those that have eyes to see and ears to hear that Klaus Schwab’s WEF and others intend to lead the whole world into the abyss of spiritual darkness.
Excerpts will be quoted from the following article entitled 'Technocrats leading the world into new Dark Age: But they can’t take us where we refuse to go’
“If you think the first six months of the Biden-Harris regime has brought head-spinning turns of events, from runaway inflation and open borders to a nationwide propaganda campaign for a specific medical treatment, brace yourself for more shockwaves in the second half of 2021.”
“The military is reportedly going to mandate the jab as of Sept 1. What happens to the soldiers who refuse? Will they be edged out and treated as deserters?”
“Hospitals across the country are threatening to fire their employees if they don’t take the jab, most giving a deadline of between Sept. 1 and Oct. 1. How will hospitals fill the voids if 15 to 20 percent of their medical staff quit?
Some hospital workers are already protesting.”
“When schools reopen this fall, school boards will be threatening to segregate children based on their vaccine status, an attempt to intimidate parents into consenting to have their kids injected with an experimental gene therapy with no data on long-term effects. The only way to stop this, according to actress and child-advocate Samaire Armstrong is for parents to be prepared to pull their children out of the public schools, thus cutting the flow of funding based on enrollment numbers.”
Technocrats leading the world into new Dark Age: But they can’t take us where we refuse to go
The article goes on to say Goliath is putting pressure on the Americans people to conform and take the shot.
They want 70% to 90% of Americans vaccinated but it is meeting great resistance.
For example, some of the major corporations, such as Bank of America, Morgan Stanley’s and others corporations have implemented mandatory vaccines policy. For workers to have access to their main offices, they must show proof of their vaccination.
There is great resistance building against Goliath forces all over the world.
“France President Emanuel Macron announced the introduction July 14 of full-blown vaccine passports, making proof of vaccine mandatory for participation in nearly all public life. French citizens are protesting in the streets.”
“Mass protests are also erupting in Greece as that nation gets ready to implement restrictions on the unvaccinated, banning them from social life.”
Goliath’s iron fist is being manifested and its becoming obvious to many in the whole world they are in evil case, as Israel discovered their plight in Egypt with Pharaoh (Exo. 5:19).
The writer of this article points out the seriousness of what getting the shot means. Most think the shot has no spiritual significance. They are getting the shot to travel, have access to many sports and entertainment events, and others privilege allotted to those vaccinated.
Clearly, those that can see the principle here understand this is a manifestation of the mark of the beast.
Quoting from this same article “These “vaccinated” folks will be marked as candidates for full citizenship in the coming New World Order, rebranded as the Great Reset, which you can find out more about by buzzing over to the World Economic Forum’s website. There you will see how this organization has all the answers to save the world from not only COVID but climate change, digital cyber hacking, disinformation on the Internet and the whole gamut of problems that threaten our very existence.
“Most of those who have already received the jab did not need to be threatened with loss of job or social status. They willingly offered their bodies for this grand experiment. They laid their individual critical-thinking skills at the altar set up by their new masters – the people who run the world’s governments, biggest corporations and Big Tech social media giants. They told us the injections would be good for us, and 50 percent of the population instinctively believed and obeyed.” Wow!!!”
“No, I said they were candidates for global citizenry in this new system the elites have designed for the world. They passed the first test. They were willing to throw caution to the wind and trust, implicitly, the dictates of Dr. Anthony Fauci and others who make up the medical establishment. These are the “experts” who appear daily on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS. They have the blessing of Facebook-Twitter and have been anointed by the online “fact checkers” offered up by Google.
“Some will surely still see the light, wake up and realize they were deceived by this vast establishment that runs all the major institutions of our society. But the majority will remain in their stupor as they slow walk all the way to their death.”
France’s mandatory ‘health pass’ with government-issued QR codes for access to everyday life is the start of a dystopian nightmare
Videos: CNN Claims Fox News, Republicans “Killing People” With Anti-Vax “Bullshit”
Think They’ll Stop at 3 Shots? The UK Is Talking About Monthly “Vaccines” for “Long-COVID” Patients