Tentative Topics & Speakers
DATE: July 27 - July 30, 2023
White Cloud, Michigan
Theme: The Delusion of Mystery Babylon’s Womb - Understanding Today’s Events by the Book of Revelation, the Archetypal Pattern, and the Scriptures
2023 PLIM Tentative Retreat Schedule
DATE: July 27 - July 30, 2023
White Cloud, Michigan
Theme: The Delusion of Mystery Babylon’s Womb - Understanding Today’s Events by the Book of Revelation, the Archetypal Pattern, and the Scriptures
- PLIM Orientation & Overview of Contents of the Retreat Packet
- Inflation, the Hidden Tax, One of the Crises Facing the World: What Is It? Can It Be Stopped? How Does It Affect Credit Card Debt? What is its Spiritual Significance by the Archetypal Pattern of the Universe - Penny Warren
- The womb of Mystery Babylon the Mother of Harlots as spoken of by the Apostle John in Rev. 18:4 represents a system of deceit, lies, and control that covers all levels of a soul's existence. To become free from this system requires the preaching of the truth to liberate a soul from spiritual tyranny and be born into life and liberty of the sons of Elohim. - Donald Brown
- Friday Night Open Discussion Session
- The Life of the Flesh Is In the Blood (Lev. 17:11): Advanced Medical Modalities and Supplements - Joseph Thomas, M.D.
- Saturday Open Discussion Session
- Special silver & gold Q&A Session
- THE PRINCIPLE OF “A WOMB” OR “THE MATRIX” IS MANIFESTED THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE CREATION, BUT HAS MANY MANIFESTATIONS. Literally the word Matrix is referred to in the Scriptures several times, and the meaning given according to Strong's Concordance Hebrew Dictionary says: Matrix, the womb, Hebrew: רֶחֶם, reḥem. - Devita Brown.
- Paul’s Transformation: When he was drawn from his mother womb / Matrix …, by the Archetypal Pattern of the Universe - Lee Warren
- P. 2, Count Down of President Biden’s 46 Presidential Term by the Archetypal Pattern - Lee Warren
2023 PLIM Tentative Retreat Schedule