<![CDATA[PLIM, Inc. Wholistic Ministry, Metaphysical Herbalist, Health, Wealth, Gold, Silver, Current Events, Trends, Spiritual Reality - 08-31-24_PWNH]]>Fri, 20 Sep 2024 22:28:31 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[08-31-24_PWNH]]>Sat, 31 Aug 2024 14:55:05 GMThttp://plim2.org/08-31-24_pwnh/08-31-24_pwnh8-31-24 PLIM Weekly News Highlights

Videos  of the Day

Just like in the Jurassic Park movie, what is possible, is not always best. Scientists should not be activating gain of function research for 68 pathogens, toxins, chemicals, etc., although it possible to do so. 
A Quote from The Never-Learned Lesson In 'Jurassic World'
“Without questioning the moral consequences of his research, the scientist creates a mutant — a horrendous killing machine that mixes the best and the worst of the T. rex, velociraptor and even the cuttlefish.”

56:30 min video - POWERFUL MUST-WATCH INTERVIEW: Dr. David Martin Drops The Biggest COVID Bombshells Yet & Lays Out A Path To Victory Against The Biological Terrorists

“Former NSC director Rich Goldberg speaks to the war in the Middle East”
5 min video - US is "sleeping through a national emergency!!" 
2:06 Israel Ambassador to UN Danny Danon says Israel must strike Iran now
3:54 Top Chinese General tells US to stop colluding with Taiwan



Capital One is one of the most distressed big banks of the group. When we have another financial meltdown, it will be one of the first in wealth destruction. Hope this is not in your wallet!!

“If you have not already done so, a deep dive into all available financials for Capital One will help you discover what’s really in your portfolio. Should you choose to hold this one then knowing what risks are currently presenting themselves as well as what investor sentiment is telling us will facilitate you to be forearmed for the future. 

Avi Gilburt and the team at Safer Banking Research have done such a deep dive and recently shared their most updated findings. Please feel free to see that public article here.”
Capital One: A Deep Dive To Discover What’s Really In Your Portfolio

Why are grocery prices so high? Is it corporate greed, or market forces at work? Kamala Harris is betting on greed. The Democratic presidential nominee has laid the blame for high food prices at the feet of businesses and vows to tackle "price gouging" in the grocery sector if elected.

“From taxes to spending, Kamala is the most left-wing major party candidate since George McGovern -- who proposed a Universal Basic Income in 1972 and went on to win a single state.

But her most hare-brained scheme -- so far -- has been price controls, where she's to the left of McGovern, threatening to punish grocery stores for daring to charge more than their costs.
In fact, grocery stores make 1 to 2 pennies on the dollar. Meaning they have to pass along costs that come straight from the Washington money printer.

That means price controls would, in short, break food.”
From Price Controls to Mass Starvation

Although most currency transactions today are digital in the form of credit cards, debit  cards, or apps such as Zelle or Paypal, can you imagine a world without paper currency?

“There has been quite a bit of pushback against governments and central banks around the world as they seek to introduce central bank digital currencies. But in the scramble to block CBDCs, some people seem to have forgotten that there is a more fundamental problem: government-issued paper fiat is the parent of a CBDC, and whether it is in physical or digital form, fiat currency isn’t real money.

Nevertheless, a lot of the proposals to stop CBDC simply involve incentivizing the use of paper money as an alternative.

While physical paper money does solve some of the privacy and security issues inherent in CBDCs, it is not a panacea because it doesn't resolve the fundamental problems inherent in fiat systems.”
Paper Money Isn't a Fix for Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)

Take a look at what happens when jobs & industries get outsourced to other countries and the people are left behind to find for themselves. Pine Bluff Arkansas, a once thriving town has recently been ranked the second most dangerous metropolitan area in America after Detroit, based on violent crime statistics such as murder, rape and kidnapping.

“A small Arkansas city suffering from severe population decline and economic turmoil has become so abandoned that properties are on offer for as little as $400. 

Pine Bluff, a bleak metro that saw its population drop from 49,000 to 41,250 residents from 2010 to 2020, made headlines this month after being panned in a YouTube documentary from Abandoned Atlas.
The Arkansas city filled with abandoned homes you can buy for as little as $400

“Chief Macro Strategist David Hunter shares his bold market predictions for the coming years. He makes a conservative (his words) call on gold, predicting it to hit $3,000 by the end of the year. Silver he sees at $75. Beyond that? He also forecasts an explosive rally that could see the Dow reach 55,000 in 2024, followed by a severe financial crisis in 2025 that could trigger an 80% market crash.”
34 min. Video - My $3,000 Gold Prediction Is Conservative! 


We are On the Brink of Civil War and the Collapse of Nations Worldwide: Martin Armstrong



Closer and closer we come to WW3! The west is constantly poking the bear (Russia) and wants a confrontation before the election!

“The Russian Foreign Minister, Sergei Lavrov, again warned the United States and the West that they are "playing with fire" - and specifically mentions nuclear weapons - as they encourage Ukraine to invade Russia.”
With Embedded Videos - “The West does not want to avoid escalation. The West is looking for trouble. Western countries are like small children playing with matches.” — Lavrov 

With the ongoing war in Ukraine showing no signs of ending it may be a very cold winter for the citizens of Ukraine as Russia continues attacks on distribution systems and power supply systems, including nuclear power plants.

“Ukraine authorities are warning the population of an extremely difficult winter ahead, following Monday's large-scale Russian aerial attack which targeted energy infrastructure in nationwide drone and ballistic missile strikes, impacting 15 out of 24 oblasts.
Strict electricity consumption restrictions have been imposed for at least weeks throughout the country, with Ivan Plachkov, President of the All-Ukrainian Energy Assembly, saying on a public broadcast that "The restrictions will be in place not only today. I think this will be for a week or two if there are no large-scale attacks."
Ukraine Faces Its Most Difficult Winter In History

“In a separate warning, Russia's foreign minister said the US should understand World War III wouldn't be confined to just Europe”
Russia Warns US Will Face ‘Much Harsher’ Consequences for Backing Kursk Invasion

As if the Palestinians don't have enough to worry about with food, water & energy shortages, “Crypto exchange Binance has seized all funds belonging to Palestinians, acting on a request from the Israeli Defense Forces.”
Binance complies with Israeli request, seizes Palestinian funds

A Roll of the Dice~Which is worse, walking into the Capitol Building to complain about an election or having illegals vote in our elections? Could someone check with AG Garland for me? Are all the FBI agents out looking for Fake voters? Somehow, I think not


2024 Political Election 

“Almost everything you see and hear with the Lying Legacy Media and the government is a lie.  Just this past week, the Biden Administration backtracked about employment as it was widely reported, “US economy added 818,000 fewer jobs than first reported in year that ended in March.”  A huge miss or a huge lie–take your pick.  Other big lies we have been told in recent years:  “Trump is colluding with Russia,” “Hunter Biden’s laptop is Russian disinformation, and the “CV19 vax injections are “safe and effective.”  That is just scratching the surface of the lies we are told on a daily basis.  The lies, which people realize are becoming preposterous, are adding to the public’s lack of confidence in everything, including the economy. Martin Armstrong says, “We are in a period of great uncertainty. . .. When people are uncertain, they don’t spend.  They save.  That’s what happens in a depression and a recession. . .. So, if you have no confidence in the future because of all this crazy stuff going on, what do you do?  You don’t borrow, and you pull back and say let me see what is going to happen.”

Armstrong says another big lie told to the public is the approval rating of Kamala Harris.  The so-called polls say Harris is running neck and neck with Donald Trump in the presidential race.  Don’t believe it.  Armstrong says a recent data dive on his Socratees computer program shows, “Kamala’s approval rating came in around 10.5 %.  (A second confidential source says Kamala’s approval rating is 8.5%.)  Confidence in government is 7%.  So, how can Kamala possibly be 40%, 50% and 60%?  It’s illogical. . .. The polls are really propaganda at this point.  They were propaganda back in 2016.  They all said Hillary would win, and she would sweep Trump under the carpet.”

On news RFK Jr. suspending his campaign and endorsing Trump, Armstrong says, “I was always pushing RFK Jr. to be Attorney General.  I think I got his eyes to light up when I said if you take the Attorney General job, you could even indict Pfizer.”  Armstrong says the Trump camp is seriously considering RFK Jr. for AG, and Armstrong says he has been in contact with top Trump advisors.  We will see, but we do know RFK Jr. is going to be a part of Trump’s Administration.

On Trump winning in November, Armstrong says, “Look, the computer says Trump should win.  I don’t know how the hell they allow that to happen.  They have to trap Trump into a war or they kill him, one or the other.  These people are unconscionable. . ..  We are looking at serious civil unrest regardless of who wins in November.  Neither side is going to accept it.”

On gold at $2,500 an ounce, Armstrong says it’s not about inflation, it is about the fear of a US debt default.  This is why central banks are buying.  Armstrong says, “If there is a big war, the US will default on it’s debt. . .. I am very concerned they will start WWIII before the end of the year and maybe by September.”
A Period of Great Uncertainty – Martin Armstrong | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog



The evil and satanic globalist Bil Gates released GMO West Nile mosquitoes into Florida last year. NOW, we are seeing more and more cases pop up around the country just in time for the election! Evil Anthony Fauci supposedly was infected and now cases in Florida and Jersey! The jersey city is SPRAYING the population with insecticide from a roaming truck to kill the mosquitoes and so called protect the citizens! Horrible and demonic!

6 min. Video - Bill Gates RELEASES 1 BILLION Genetically Modified Mosquitos In Florida  

Spraying in Jersey and New York!!

“TRENTON, New Jersey (WABC) -- Two deaths have been linked to the West Nile Virus in New Jersey, among the new cases that have been reported in the Garden State, according to health officials.

The state's health department reported an additional six West Nile virus cases, and two additional presumptive viremic blood donors (PVD) -- or blood donors whose tests are reactive to the virus.
This comes after the state's first human case of Eastern Equine encephalitis (EEE) and two earlier cases of the West Nile virus infection were discovered.”
NJ Health Department reports 2 West Nile Virus deaths among new cases
