<![CDATA[PLIM, Inc. Wholistic Ministry, Metaphysical Herbalist, Health, Wealth, Gold, Silver, Current Events, Trends, Spiritual Reality - FinPrep Questions_4-26-20]]>Sat, 21 Dec 2024 10:03:06 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[Financial Preparedness Questions/Eddie Jones 4-26-20]]>Sun, 26 Jul 2020 13:45:16 GMThttp://plim2.org/finprep-questions_4-26-20/financial-preparedness-questionseddie-jones-4-26-20A couple of political pundits have stated that the current President had a 70% chance of being reelected before COVID-19.  Now his odds are 50% because of the way he has handled this pandemic. 

Presuming he loses, would you say he has fulfilled (or will, by January 2021) his purpose according to the Pattern?

Biden Possible Win
Biden wins in spite of many scandals he and his son have committed in the Ukraine and China that were revealed during Trump’s impeachment proceeding.
Biden’s administration will face the greatest Depression caused by the Dragon using Covid-19 to collapse the financial and economic system during President Trump 45 last year as president. The numbers on Biden’s Presidency, number 46 and the date of the election 2020, doesn’t lineup as we will show with President Trump.

President Trump 45 Wins in Accordance to the PURPOSE Of Elohim
2020 Presidential Election lines up with Daniel’s Prophecy 70 x 7 years, 1260 days/years, 1290 days/years, 1335 days/years Dan. 9:24-27, 12:11-12 see other reference

1960 ad  End of the  current age = 4 x 490 years 
 +  49 years  + 1 or 10 = 7x7 first Jubilee in the Probation Period since 1960
+    1      or + 10
2010 ad or 2020
Messiah’s Life Using the Daniel Prophecy 1260 days/years, 1290 days/years, 1335 days/years
1260 days the Messiah in His ministry
  +30 day  1 day for 1 year age begin ministry
1290 days = 33 years of Messiah Life
  +45 Days  4th millennium  + Pentecost
1335 days

Presidents Numbers fulfilled the 1260, 1290, 1335
President Truman #33 =1260 + 30 = 1290
President Trump # 45    +  45

"WWI & WWII Presidents & President Trump By the Tabernacle Pattern" 

If no, will the ground work be laid to the point where the newly elected President must continue the fulfillment begnningt (Such as mandatory chip induced vaccinations, and chip required cell phone tracking app…..)?

If Biden Wins
President Biden #46 would initially try to roll out the mandatory vaccine and tracking, and chip insertions. All of this is part of Hillary’s plan when she ran as president as part the deep state and Bill Gates.

If Trump Wins
President Trump wouldn’t infringe upon the Constitutional rights of US citizens. US Attorney General AG Barr wouldn’t initiate mandatory vaccine, tracking device. 
“AG Barr ‘very concerned’ about ‘personal liberty’ after Gates proposes digital vaccine certificates” https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/ag-barr-very-concerned-about-personal-liberty-after-gates-proposes-digital-vaccine-certificates

Given the fact that Coronavirus activity is on the rise in China, do you think our freedoms will be further restricted until means of tracking of US. citizens is in place?  Also should US Citizens expect the same COVID-19 increase and possibly worse results?

As stated under President Trump, he wouldn’t restrict freedom. Now Biden would curtail certain freedoms.
‘Joe Biden Wants To Destroy Free Speech on Social Media 

If Joe Biden becomes president, he will declare war on your religious freedoms 
