<![CDATA[PLIM, Inc. Wholistic Ministry, Metaphysical Herbalist, Health, Wealth, Gold, Silver, Current Events, Trends, Spiritual Reality - CV Spec Rprt, P. 67, CVResistances, Genocide, & Natural Immunity_P.25_P. 75_01-08-22]]>Sun, 02 Mar 2025 14:33:03 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[CV Spec Rprt, P. 67, CVResistances, Genocide, & Natural Immunity_P.25_P. 75_01-08-22]]>Sat, 08 Jan 2022 22:14:16 GMThttp://plim2.org/cv-spec-rprt-p-67-cvresistances-genocide--natural-immunity_p25_p-75_01-08-22/cv-spec-rprt-p-67-cvresistances-genocide-natural-immunity_p25_p-75_01-08-22From PLIM Email 01-08-22

CV Spec Report, P. 67, CVResistances, Genocide, & Natural Immunity_P.25_P. 75_01-08-22

Video of the Day
President Biden Falsely Claims COVID Spreading Because Of Unvaxxed

The MSM (Main Stream Media) continues to censor the disastrous side effects and deaths caused by the mandatory toxic CoVID-19 gene therapy vaccines. This censoring of the truth (John 8:32) to the American public causes them to be dumbed down on the magnitude of Injury and deaths the vaccines are causing. More on this later.

They believe the propaganda of the government agencies, CDC, FDA, NIH, Fauci, Big Pharma, Medical Researchers, doctors, etc., and act accordingly. The Messiah said that Israel’s leaders had taken the key of knowledge (Lk. 11:52) from the people dumbing them down. This caused Israel to have a lack of Knowledge of who the Messiah was, just as people today don’t understand what CoVID-19 is. This is also why the American people are in bondage to false science, fear, and death.

Hos. 4:6
“6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.”

Clearly, Americans are spiritually drunk (Jer. 51:7) believing the toxic spike protein vaccines and booster shots will save them from CoVID-19.  Whoopi Goldberg was vaxxxed three times and was shocked when she caught CoVID-19. (See article below.)

Americans today are in the same psychological and spiritual condition as Israel and the Messiah’s disciples were during His ministry. Their minds couldn’t comprehend the signs or miracles He performed. The disciples didn’t understand it was the father Yahweh performing miracles through His son Yahshua.

For example, they didn’t understand how the Messiah fed 5,000 with 5 loaves of bread and a few fish. The Messiah said to them, “Why are you discussing the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened? 18 Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember? 19 When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They said to him, “Twelve.” 20 “And the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” And they said to him, “Seven.” 21 And he said to them, “Do you not yet understand?” (Mk. 8:17-21)

John 14:10
“Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.”

Likewise, the deaths of the CoVID-19 vaccines (see below) are signs. They are being manifested with loved ones and friends who have taken this toxic spike protein vaccine dying. Also, a Life Insurance company has documented the rise of deaths rates between 18 and 65 are up 40% . Beginning in 2020, airline pilots have been dying mid-flight from strokes clots, heart attacks, etc. These are not reported, but the delays in flights over the holidays are bringing this issue to the forefront.

What most Americans ignore and can’t see is the seriousness and impact the toxic CoVID-19 vaccines are causing on our freedoms and liberties within the social and economic fabric of America, farming and labor shortages, etc. See articles below.


Life Insurance Company Reports Rise of Deaths up 40%. Is the Supreme Court Compromised?
“In a recent article, Mike Adams fully documented Life Insurance executives who note that our death curve is well over 100,000, per month, in excess of what it should be. Celeste Solom predicted this dramatic rise in the death curve over a year ago on The Common Sense Show.tv.  Celeste said the curve would be over 300,000 a month and she recently stated that the Insurance companies are in league with globalists but they had to give some number, a much lower number than it really is in order to cover up the trend. People are not dying from covid, or the variants, they are dying from the fatal latency effects from the vaccines. In other words, people are dying from the vaccines in far greater numbers than they are the virus.”

“It is well documented on The Common Sense Show website that it was stated by the then Commissioner of the FDA, that they were not going to require third party validation of the so-called covid test. Without third party validation, there is no test and that is what the Deep State wanted. Further, the Fauci persuaded Trump to pay federal money for each covid diagnosis and 3 times more for each covid death. There is not medical reason for this other than to falsely elevate the death curve in order to justify the lockdowns. And then the lapdog media presented daily briefings on these greatly inflated fake numbers as if they were the daily sports report. This was designed to whip the country into a severe state of anxiety and fear so the population would conform to the takedown policies that destroyed our country. The fake pandemic led to fraudulent voting practices that allowed President Dementia and high heels Harris to come to power and finish the deconstruction of America.”

Soon the Compromised Supreme Court Will Be Closing America's Last Escape Route As the Tyranny Is About to Begin In Earnest

“(Natural News) Getting “vaccinated” for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) could mean losing your life insurance coverage.

“According to reports, many who took the experimental gene therapy from Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” program are now coming to the realization that their death benefits have been voided.”

“Apparently the life insurance industry considers the emergency use-authorized injections to be an “experimental medical intervention” – which is exactly what they are. Consequently, they do not qualify for a payout.”

Life insurance policies can refuse payouts for the jabbed because covid vaccines are “medical experiments”


“OneAmerica is a large life insurance company in Indianapolis. The chief executive officer, Scott Davison just announced that judging by policy claims Americans of working age are suddenly dying in unprecedented numbers.”

“He reports that all life insurance companies are experiencing a 40% rise in the death rate. “Just to give you an idea of how bad that is, a three-sigma or a one-in-200-year catastrophe would be 10% increase over pre-pandemic. So 40% is just unheard of.” These are not Covid deaths. They are deaths from conditions caused by the vaccine.”

“Brian Tabor, president of the Indiana Hospital Association, reports a corresponding huge increase in hospital caseloads, not from Covid but from all sorts of things, things known to be risks of the vaccine.“

Now People Are Dying from the Vaccine    


Labor Shortages Affect Food Prices
“There are a number of issues effecting the food supply here in America, whether they are decisions regarding food production, processing, growing or manufacturing, expected to cause either food shortages or extreme price hikes, on top of the price increases we have already seen during 2021, 

“Labor shortages are being blamed for food supply issues, delivery issues, businesses being forced to close and shelves unable to be restocked at a reasonable rate, because stores are receiving less that half of what they order to restock in many cases.”

“There are a number of issues with the "labor shortage" claim because there would be no labor shortages had a certain things not happened in 2021:”

• Businesses deemed "non-essential" were forcefully shut down, putting millions of Americans out of work.
• Companies have started terminating employees that have refused to allow themselves to be intimidated into taking the experimental vaccines, to which are so new, no long term studies on side effects have been conducted.
• There is an untold number of working aged Americans that have taken the vaccine and died or became unable to work, which again, limits the supply of workers available.

“Each and every one of those examples are unforced errors, but even knowing the ramifications beforehand, the U.S. government under Biden, and liberal state leaders, continued anyway. There is no other way to describe it other than "by design."

“If you are aware of what will happen, and you continue on with the plan, you are purposely causing these issues.”

“Many small businesses operate on extremely thin margins, and so they just can’t afford to dramatically raise wages all of a sudden.  In Nebraska, one restaurant that has been around for 46 years has been forced to close for good “because they simply can’t find enough people to work”…

“This week, Wilkinson and his wife, Kathy, decided to close the restaurant after a nearly five-decade run because they simply can’t find enough people to work.
“That was the final straw,” said Jim Wilkinson, 71.”

“Thousands of other small businesses find themselves in the same situation.

“But it isn’t just small businesses that are suffering.”

“At this point, even some of the biggest corporations in the U.S. can’t find enough workers.  At the end of December, I was absolutely shocked to learn that Apple had closed every single one of their stores in New York “due to a staffing shortage”…
The WAR Upon YOU Keeps Getting Worse - Imagine Being Forbidden From Leaving Home To Go Buy Food As Is Already Happening Elsewhere! More Proof This Is All By Design

The CDC Is Not Stopping Children’s Vaccines In Spite of Deaths
“Remember Jacob Clynick, the 13-year old from Minnesota who died of cardiac arrest on June 20, 2021, just 3 days after his second Pfizer shot?

“I sent an email to everyone at the CDC who was involved in the investigation of his death asking them what the stopping condition was for these vaccines. How many kids have to die? How many adults have to die? How many previously healthy Americans have to be permanently disabled?”

“I received no reply. They didn’t even acknowledge the email.”

“Some people, including many doctors, believe that as long as the death rate from the vaccine is less than the death rate from COVID that we shouldn’t stop the vaccine since it produces a net savings in lives.

“This is totally false. It is not the # killed by the virus that matters. It is the estimated # of lives saved by the vaccine.”

“Net lives saved = (# saved by the vax) - (# killed by the vax)
Let’s look at that. The Pfizer Phase 3 trial proved they could save 1 COVID life for every 22,000 vaccinated.”

“So with 220M fully vaccinated, we’ll save 10,000 lives according to Pfizer’s own study. There is no better data than this. This is the gold-standard, double-blind randomized trial result. Nobody can argue with it.”

“But the calculation of deaths due to the vaccine is at least 150,000, and I have 13 different ways to show that.”

“So we’ve killed over 150,000 people to maybe save 10,000 lives.”
“Any rational person would stop the vaccines immediately.”

“But this isn’t about science or rational thinking. This is about a belief. The belief is that the only thing that matters is saving people from COVID, no matter how many people we have to kill to do it.”

CDC: There is no stopping condition


How Many Vaccines and Boosters Have You Taken?
“Getting injected with too many “vaccines” from Operation Warp Speed could destroy your immune system, leaving it defenseless against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19).”

“The New York Times actually warned about this in a new report concerning Israel’s introduction of a fourth Fauci Flu vaccine. People who roll up their sleeves for yet another “booster” could suffer a form of “immune system fatigue” that makes them more prone to infection.”

“Israel is considering whether to approve a fourth Covid-19 vaccine dose for vulnerable people to contain the fast-spreading Omicron variant, despite debate among scientists and a lack of evidence either for or against another booster,” the Times reported.

“The panel of experts advising the Israeli government on the pandemic recognized that uncertainty, but on Tuesday it recommended giving a fourth dose, concluding that the potential benefits outweighed the risks. It pointed to signs of waning immunity a few months after the third shot, and said that any delay in additional doses might prove too late to protect those most at risk.”
take our poll - story continues below.”

“Too many shots, though, could compromise the body’s ability to fight off any form of coronavirus, including the new Omicron (Moronic) variant, also known as a common seasonal cold.”

NY Times admits covid “booster” shots damage immunity, leave body defenseless against virus

You May Want to Reconsider Your Flight Plans with Pilots Dying Mid-Flight 
“Pilots are dying within days after taking the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, sometimes midflight. While mainstream media outlets are quick to cover up these deaths, independent journalist and political commentator Scott Kesterson said the reports are real and he has personally confirmed at least one death of a pilot midflight.”

“Kesterson made this statement on Thursday, Oct. 28, during his program “BardsFM” on Brighteon.TV.

“At this point, even some of the biggest corporations in the U.S. can’t find enough workers.  At the end of December, I was absolutely shocked to learn that Apple had closed every single one of their stores in New York “due to a staffing shortage”…“News came out in mid-October that a pilot for Delta Airlines died during a flight within days after getting vaccinated against COVID-19. This claim is according to Dr. Jane Ruby, a former drug development expert at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).”

“According to Ruby, a recently vaccinated pilot for the airline died during a commercial flight shortly after taking off from Los Angeles. This forced the co-pilot to make an emergency landing.”

“The co-pilot told the flight attendant that the captain was speaking normally one moment, then … said a few weird things, then died,” said Ruby. “The flight had to make an emergency landing.”

“Without revealing the identities of her sources, Ruby said they have been vetted and that they are all employees of Delta Airlines and that one of them is a pilot and another is a flight attendant who witnessed the event.”

Scott Kesterson says reports of pilots dying midflight due to COVID-19 vaccines are REAL – Brighteon.TV

Video Pilots are Dying in Midnight of Covid-19 Vaccines


German Government Said the Fully Vaccinated May Acquire AIDS by the End of This month, January 2022.
“German Government Data for the alleged Omicron variant of Covid-19, suggests that most of the “fully vaccinated” will have full blown Covid-19 vaccine induced acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) by the end of January 2022, after confirming that the immune systems of the fully vaccinated have already degraded to an average of minus 87%.”

“Additional information is known to some extent for the Omikron cases in the reporting system. for 6,788 cases were provided with information on the symptoms, mostly none or mild symptoms indicated. It was most common by patients with symptoms
Runny nose (54%), cough (57%) and sore throat (39%) mentioned. 124 patients were hospitalized, four people died. Exposure abroad was reported for 543 (5%) cases. 186 patients were unvaccinated, 4,020 were fully vaccinated, of these, a booster vaccination was reported for 1,137. On the basis of the transmitted data 148 reinfections were found among all transmitted Omicron infections, none of them Previous illnesses were reported to the person affected by reinfection.” 

“Figure 9 shows the distribution of the Omikron cases reported so far in Germany. Omicron cases have been detected in all federal states.”
  •         186 unvaccinated cases
  •         2,883 double vaccinated cases
  •         1,137 triple vaccinated cases
  •         4,020 fully vaccinated cases
“In Germany 70.53% are fully vaxxed, 2.97% are partially vaxxed and 26.5% unvaxxed – https://ourworldindata.org/covid-vaccinations
Official German Government Data Suggests the Fully Vaccinated Will Develop Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome by the End of January 2022  


You Are A Criminal If You Are Unvaccinated and Unboosted
“In a horrifying altercation, a German police officer denounced the humanity of the unvaccinated. This is but one sign that mass formation psychosis is at work."

“Mass formation psychosis” is the explanation for how the Germans accepted the atrocities by the Nazi party in the 1930s, and it’s the explanation for why so many around the world support medical apartheid and the dehumanization of the unvaccinated now.”

“The stigmatization of the unvaxxed is all the more irrational when you consider that the COVID shot doesn’t prevent infection or spread of the virus. “Fully vaxxed” individuals are just as infectious and “dangerous” as the unjabbed
While high-level officials continue to use the term “pandemic of the unvaccinated,” suggesting the COVID-jabbed play no role in the epidemiology of COVID-19, there’s ample evidence that the “fully vaccinated” have a relevant role in transmission and outbreaks.”

“For example, in Massachusetts, 469 new COVID-19 cases were identified during July 2021. Of those, 346 (74%) were either fully or partially jabbed, and 274 (79%) were symptomatic. This proves the COVID jabs cannot end the pandemic, and may in fact be preventing it from dying out naturally.”

Stigmatizing the Unvaxxed and Unboosted. “Mass Formation Psychosis”. “You’re a Criminal Because You’re Unvaccinated”


Soccer Players Are Dying Who Are Vaxxed
"Five vaccinated soccer players from different countries died after suffering sudden heart attacks, triggering speculations that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines may be connected to their deaths."

"Three passed away during training, one died while warming up before a game and another died in the middle of a match. All four were under 30 years of age at the time of their death." 

Five professional soccer players die from heart attacks, fueling speculation of vaccine side effects

“It’s terrifying but it’s a COINCIDENCE’: Leading cardiologist says footballers should not panic after five high-profile collapses – but insists all players need to be checked throughout their 20s and 30s”:
“A spate of high-profile heart problems and collapses among professional footballers in recent weeks are likely to be coincidence, rather than an indication players are struggling to cope with the high-intensity game, according to a leading cardiologist.”

"Nice framing. Those are the only two options!"

"Football has been rocked when three players were hospitalised this week after falling ill during training sessions or matches."

"Wigan striker Charlie Wyke, 28, collapsed in training, Sheffield United’s John Fleck, 30, collapsed on the pitch at Reading and Adama Traore 25, went down clutching his chest while playing in the Champions League for Sheriff Tiraspol against Real Madrid."

(Related: ‘Puzzling’ surge in heart disease among soccer players is a ‘coincidence,’ media reports.)


Whoopi Goldberg ‘shocked’ at catching COVID despite being triple vaxxed

Rumors of  War
“On Thursday, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss warned Russia that the UK is working on “high impact” sanctions Western powers could implement over allegations that Moscow is plotting to invade Ukraine.”

“The UK is working with our partners on these sanctions, including high impact measures targeting the Russian financial sector and individuals,” Truss said.

“For their part, the Russians have strongly denied the claim that they are planning to invade Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin is concerned with the increased US and NATO presence in the region and is seeking security guarantees that NATO won’t expand further eastward.”

“Truss insists that Russia is the “aggressor” and that NATO has always been a “defensive alliance,” although since the Soviet Union collapsed, NATO has waged wars of aggression in the Balkans and across the Middle East and North Africa.”

UK Threatens Russia With ‘High Impact’ Sanctions Over Ukraine
