<![CDATA[PLIM, Inc. Wholistic Ministry, Metaphysical Herbalist, Health, Wealth, Gold, Silver, Current Events, Trends, Spiritual Reality - CV Spec Rprt, P. 41, Will lt Be Freedom Or Tyranny? P. 1 _P. 49_9-28-21]]>Sat, 21 Dec 2024 03:02:45 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[CoVID Special Report, P. 41,Will lt Be Freedom Or Tyranny?" P. 1P. 49, War, Pestilence CoVID-19, Famine (Depression) Continues Until the End of the Age.]]>Fri, 01 Oct 2021 17:07:15 GMThttp://plim2.org/cv-spec-rprt-p-41-will-lt-be-freedom-or-tyranny-p-1-_p-49_9-28-21/covid-special-report-p-41will-lt-be-freedom-or-tyranny-p-1p-49-war-pestilence-covid-19-famine-depression-continues-until-the-end-of-the-ageFrom PLIM Email 9-28-21

CoVID Special Report, P. 41,
Will lt Be Freedom Or Tyranny?" P. 1
P. 49, War, Pestilence CoVID-19, Famine (Depression) Continues Until the End of the Age.

Notice To The Reader: Due to time, we know many 
of you will not be able to read / view all the articles / 
videos below. However, it would be helpful if you take 
a moment to at least scan the titles so you can get 
a feel for the trends happening in the world. If an 
event happens or you see a news flash, it may 
trigger your memory of one of the titles below.

Freedom will be tested and challenged although it shall prevail. More on this in the next PLIM E-Blog.

“So long as the people do not care to exercise 
their freedom, those who wish to tyrannize will 
do so; for tyrants are active and ardent, and will 
devote themselves in the name of any number 
of gods, religious and otherwise, to put 
shackles upon sleeping men.” 
Voltaire (1694-1778) French, writer, philosopher of the Enlightenment period from roughly 1680 to 1820.

Political Freedom, since its short existence of 246 years starting from between 1776-1789 (formation of the Bill of Rights and the US Constitution), is again facing its greatest challenge since the civil war. 

Now it took 1742 years after the crucifixion, resurrection and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in 34 AD for freedom to be manifested as a political reality to mankind in 1776.

Freedom came into existence during the Enlightenment Period, after the fall of the Roman Empire that began the Dark Ages followed by the Medieval Ages. 

“The Enlightenment, a philosophical movement that dominated in Europe during the 18th century, was centered around the idea that reason is the primary source of authority and legitimacy, and advocated such ideals as liberty, progress, tolerance, fraternity, constitutional government, and separation of church and state.”
The Enlightenment

It was within this period when Thomas Jefferson wrote the Bill of Rights (1776) and the founders wrote the US Constitution guaranteeing citizens certain unalienable rights by God and the powers of three branches of government. Remember, these documents were a type of the New Covenant begun at Pentecost whereby believers worshipped Yahshua in Spirit and in Truth and not in physical churches, temples, on feast days or by sacrificing animals (John 4:20-24; Heb. 8-9th Chapters). 

This was the first republic formed that gave powers to the people and limited powers of government. At this time all governments were ruled by Monarchs. So having a republic as a form of government was a revolutionary idea.

The greatest challenges against freedom are all forms of tyranny disguised as socialism and communism, both were used initially against the monarchy. 

The French philosopher Voltaire again said during the enlightenment period: “Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. 
Voltaire on Capitol Hill: ‘Anyone who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities’

Today we have such absurdities in the guise of medical tyranny. Biden’s 9-9-21 Executive Order (EO) made the shot mandatory. You are told you must take the toxic shot to be safe from CoVID-19, keep a job, enter the University, enter any entertainment venues, etc., and the shot will boost your immune system, when the shot’s side effects according to VAERS data show quite the contrary. 
Are Fewer Than 1% of Vaccine Injuries Reported to VAERS?

Yet the masses of Americans believe the propaganda. The Messiah said you shall know the TRUTH and it will MAKE you FREE (John 8:32).

Here are some more absurdities of our times.

Elon Musk wants to name his child A.I.
“No, that is not the script for a science fiction movie, this is reality. His (Klaus Schwab's) book is right there, on the shelves of stores around the world, and this is the man pushing the current events in the world. Governments around the world are embracing his ‘wonderful ideas’ and they are already telling children in schools how much smarter they will be with a chip in their head. Elon Musk wanted to call his child A.I. and is a pioneer in the human-robot fusion.”

Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum of the globalist elite, released a video with the presentation of their plans, and he literally says:
"You will own nothing, and you will be happy.’
Yeah, right, while they will own everything…
Bluntly said: their plan is to throw the world into an abyss of despair, so they can become our ‘saviors’ who will ‘take good care of us’. No debt, no need, no worries, but… also no possessions, no privacy, no rights, no freedom, no voice." 

The Global Elite’s plan is to throw the world into an abyss of despair, so they can become our ‘saviors’ who will ‘take good care of us’. No debt, no need, no worries, but… also no possessions, no privacy, no rights, no freedom, no voice

This is another manifestation of the old Monarch rule where the king ruled by Divine Right.

Below are even more absurdities. Some Americans are willing to give up freedom, thinking that Marxism, Communism, and Fascism will solve the problems of inflation, poverty, starvation, and a wrecked economy. History shows that Marxism, Communism, and Fascism bring about mass murder, tyranny, but not freedom. Marxism, Communism, and Fascism do not resolve the problems of inflation, poverty, and starvation and are usually the chief cause of these problems.

Quoting from the article: “Our New Normal: Inflation, Poverty, Starvation, Economic Collapse, Fascism, Marxism, Communism, and Murder
“The gullibility of man it seems has no bounds, for if it did, how could so many be so blind? As I reflect on the past 19 months or so, it is quite alarming to understand the scope of this scam called a ‘pandemic,’ and how this entire country (and the world) have embraced lies, deception, and tyranny of such magnitude. Mass murder at the hands of the state has already begun, but with the rollout of deadly and poisonous injections purposely mislabeled as ‘vaccines,’ the murder of large numbers that is democide, will be evident among this entire population for years to come. The perpetrators of this genocidal takeover of society are now coming after all children and will attempt to poison as many as possible with their ‘vaccines’ over the course of this year and next.
Only a nation of pathetic cowardly fools would allow such an abominable fate for their own defenseless offspring. This type of behavior indicates a total lack of intellect and mass ignorance of reality. It also indicates widespread indifference, which is incarnate of a sick and immoral society.  

“So, it seems that the so-called “new normal” of totalitarian rule over a slave-like society, is not just the fault of those who wish to rule over us, but more so the people at large for allowing this to happen without proper resistance. Blaming the enemy is easy, but accepting blame for self is avoided at all costs, and this attitude is even worse than that of tyrants. It is expected that the evil among us who are the ruling class exists, but the evil of mass apathy can never be accepted or excused.” 

Our New Normal: Inflation, Poverty, Starvation, Economic Collapse, Fascism, Marxism, Communism, and Murder

So returning back to Roman history, changes began with the fall of the Roman Empire into the chaos of the Dark Ages. There were stages in between that led up to the Enlightenment Age. By the Pattern, men went from Light (the height of the Roman Empire) to Darkness (after the Roman Empire fell. This darkness reigned for about 1000 years, followed by the Medieval period.) back to light again (our modern times). Not with the monarchs or Caesars, we had to develop a whole New World of government. Now this Enlightenment period developed and reached its zenith. There are cycles still in operation and the USA has reached its zenith and has now declined.

In examining, the Roman Empire in the 6th century under the reign of Emperor Justian similar situations are occurring with the USA and the world: war, pestilence and famine. Clearly, these principes repeat themselves over and over. Yahweh used the same tactics to punish Israel for their disobedience of His Laws

The book of Revelation revealed about 2,000 years ago how the current nations under the economic and financial system, today called Mystery Babylon the Great, would be destroyed.

The Apostle John saw in a panoramic vision how the kingdoms at the end of this age would be symbolically destroyed.
The destruction was represented as the four apocalyptic horses and their riders: white horse and rider, Red and rider horse, black horse and rider and pale horse and rider. (Rev. 6:1-8). The red and white horse represent war, the black horse represents the famine, and the pale horse represents pestilence.

Now this destruction wasn’t an isolated event, but has constantly repeated throughout the ages (Eccl. 1:9). From Egypt under Pharaoh being overthrown by Moses and Aaron’s plagues given by Yahweh to the Great Roman Empire being overthrown by the same plagues.

Now the Roman historian Gibbon wrote what led to the destruction of Rome during the reign of Emperor Justian. “Gibbon recorded: “The triple scourges of war, pestilence, and famine afflicted the subjects of Justinian, and his reign is disgraced by a visible decrease of the human species which has never been regained in some of the fairest countries of the globe”
The Triple Scourges Of Famine, War And Pestilence Have Taken Down Empires Before And Joe Biden And Democrats, Not Learning From History, Are Doomed To Repeat Their Failures

The article goes on to say: “American physician, bacteriologist, and prolific author Hans Zinsser, among others, believe that the Plague of Justinian was partly responsible for the demise of the Roman Empire. He declared the plague was “perhaps the most potent single influence” which gave the coup de grâce to the ancient Empire. Bugs, not bullets, knocked off an empire! 

This pandemic lasted about seventy years and caused havoc in the Roman Empire, already bruised, broken, and bleeding. Justinian was desperately trying to restore the ancient Empire to its former glory–like trying to breathe life into a corpse.”

“This Plague of Justinian emptied the cities, turned the country into a desert, and made the habitations of men the haunts of wild beasts. The snakes slithered and hissed, the hyenas crouched and laughed, and wild beasts pawed and growled where proud, pompous, and productive men once walked. 

However, when men face the inscrutable, they tend to lose their arrogance, sinking into a hapless and helpless, and hopeless life.”


 ??? Will CoVID 19 be the demise of the American economic system? People quitting their jobs and refusing to take the shot.


Part 2 begins in the next PLIM E-blog 
Saturday, October 2, 2021.
