<![CDATA[PLIM, Inc. Wholistic Ministry, Metaphysical Herbalist, Health, Wealth, Gold, Silver, Current Events, Trends, Spiritual Reality - TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA_Edited_6-24-21]]>Thu, 13 Mar 2025 04:39:32 -0700Weebly<![CDATA[TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA_Edited 06-24-21]]>Fri, 25 Jun 2021 20:28:13 GMThttp://plim2.org/testimony-of-yahshua_edited_6-24-21/testimony-of-yahshua_edited-06-24-21THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY As Revealed to Dr. Lee E. Warren, B.A., D.D. 11/83 - 7/84
The question most often asked in this teaching by many students, after they have heard the explanation or been shown the Proof according to the Scriptures (Isa. 8:20), and the Pattern and Purpose of Yahweh that the BEAST with Ten (10) Horns (Russian Kremlin and her Allies) will BURN THE HARLOT (Rome, Rev. 17:16-17) i.e. that there will be a World War III (for details see the Red Book "The Third World War"; and the addendums to the Red Book "An Exegetical Analysis of Daniel's Prophecy of 1260 Days, 1290 Days, 1335 Days ... " and "Armageddon by the Divine Pattern") is as follows: WHY IS IT NECESSARY FOR ONE TO KNOW ABOUT THE THIRD WORLD WAR (the Beast Burning the Whore) SINCE WE ARE SAVED IF WE KEEP IN MEMORY YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH DIED, AND WAS BURIED, AND RESURRECTED THE THIRD DAY ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES)? They fail to UNDERSTAND and DO GREATLY ERR, NOT KNOWING THE SCRIPTURES (Matt. 22:29), nor and Plan of Yahweh which REPEATS ITSELF OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
SCRIPTURES (I Cor. 15: the Eternal Purpose
Now the Messiah did Die, and was Buried and Resurrected according to the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit was poured out June 6, A.D. 33~, 9:00 A.M., in Jerusalem (Acts 2:1-4), Establishing the Kingdom of Yahweh in our Hearts and Minds (Jer. 31:31-34; Lk. 17:20; II Cor. 3:1-3; I Cor. 6:19-20; Rom. 8:2) in this Age and seven years later the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Gentiles (Acts 10:44-46). What has happened in this Age since Pentecost in Yahweh's Purpose and Plan is just a REPEAT (Mal 3:6) of the Types and Shadows (Eccl. 1:9, 3:15; Isa. 46:9-10) that have happened in the previous ages, but the REALITY, as we know, was always in the SPIRIT. Our Founder states in our Text, Vol. IV, p. 66, first paragraph:
" •.. There is nothing that happens just by chance or accident, but all things happen according to the Pattern, and Purpose and Plan of Yahweh which just REPEATS itself over and over again ... "
ADAMIC DISPENSATION This Present Spiritual Kingdom Age began with the WOMAN (Church or Body, Eph. 5:28-32) BEING PUT BACK OR CLOTHED IN THE SUN (Yahshua the Messiah, Second ADAM - I Cor. 15:44-45; Rev. 12:1; see "An Exegetical Analysis of Daniel's Prophecy of 1260 Days, 1290 Days, 1335 Days ... " with special attention to Daniel's 1335 Days Prophecy, pp. 35 through p. 40, first paragraph) which is the REALITY OF EVE being clothed in ADAM (Gen. 5:2). Remember ADAM was taken from the Dust of the Ground and Yahweh-Elohim breathed into him the BREATH OF LIFE (Gen. 2:7) making him a LIVING SOUL, and then Yahweh-Elohim placed him in a Deep Sleep (a type of Death and Burial) and took from him a Rib and Womb to make the Woman, Eve (Gen. 2:21-22; see Plates #11 and #12, Vol. 1, pp. 65-67). The Messiah (the Second ADAM) Fulfills this by being Crucified, Buried in Joseph's New Tomb and Resurrecting a LIFE GIVING SPIRIT (I Cor. 15:44-47). AFTER HIS RESURRECTION those that were in the Grave (Earth) from ADAM on down to John the Baptist AROSE (Matt. 27:51-53) and went into Jerusalem and appeared to many in a Vision with the Messiah. All of those that Resurrected with the Messiah, are HIS BODY or THE WOMAN or BRIDE of Yahshua the Messiah, which EVE was a TYPE. The DAY (1 DAY = 1000 years; II Pet. 3:8; II Thess. 5:5-8) in which all those SONS or HIS BRIDE REIGNED WITH THE MESSIAH IN JERUSALEM (Rev. 20:4, 6) is the REALITY of ADAM and HIS BRIDE in the Garden of Eden for a DAY (likened unto Ontological Perfection) which was a TYPE of HEAVEN, at the beginning of the Ante-Diluvian Age, BEFORE the Transgression. This proves Eve had the Holy Spirit Prior to the Transgression in the Garden of Eden when she was taken out of Adam, and NOT as some believe and teach, in error, that she was Void of the Holy Spirit when she was taken out of Adam (II Thess. 5:5-8). Thus, we see the Types and Shadows in Past Ages (Ante- and Post-) being fulfilled by Yahshua the Messiah and REPEATED in Types, in this Present Kingdom Age. Now we can see the Reality of Yahweh's Purpose and Plan Being Repeated in Types and Shadows which those in previous Ages (before Pentecost, I Pet. 1:10-12) could not see, and some within this Teaching (after Pentecost) fail to understand because of the hardness of their hearts (Ezk. 2: 3-5, 8; John 12:40; II Cor. 4:3-4; Acts 7:51-53).
AGE OF CONSCIENCE After the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit, we see the Assembly of Yahweh being Persecuted and killed by SATAN and His Host (Dan. 7:25; Matt. 10:28; John 15:18-22; Rev. 11:2, 12:4-6, 13-14, 13:4-8) just as EVE was deceived by the Serpent in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3:1-6; For details of Satan Persecuting the Woman see "Armageddon by the Divine Pattern" p. 43, first paragraph through p. 46). Now the Woman is Clothed in the SUN (Yahshua the Messiah, Rev. 12:1) and cannot be Deceived by the Serpent's LIES. We know that ADAM Died for HIS BRIDE EVE by Transgressing and Eating of the Fruit. Thus, we have the DEATH of a MAN and WOMAN to begin the Ante-Diluvian Age. Now, the REPEAT in this Age after the Holy Spirit was poured out is Ananias and His wife, Sapphira, LYING to the Holy Spirit, in Peter, about how much they sold their land for and they DIED and were Buried (Acts 5:1-11).
The next event that occurred in the Ante-Diluvian Age, after ADAM and EVE'S Expulsion from the Garden, was the Birth of their two Sons, CAIN (typifying Satan) and ABEL (typifying Yahshua the Messiah). Cain slew his brother Abel, because of jealousy, that his brother's (Abel's) sacrifice was accepted by Yahweh (Gen. 4:1-10; John 8:44; I John 3:12) and his (Cain's) wasn't accepted. Now the REPEAT or REALITY in this Age of the Principle of Cain and Abel, is the Slaying of Stephen, James, the brother of John (Acts 7:51-60, 12:1-3), and others by their brethren (Gal. 4:28-31), Physical Jews, the Sanhedrin Council and Elders (Satan's Host) because they (the Assembly of Yahweh) refused to keep the Law of Moses, i.e., they did what was acceptable in the eyesight of Yahweh and NOT MAN (Acts 6:8-15; Acts 7th Chapter; Acts 8:1-3; also see the Persecution of the Assembly on pp. 29-35 of "An Exegetical Analysis of Daniel's Prophecy of 1260 Days, 1290 Days, 1335 Days ... ").
YAHWEH-ELOHIM placed a MARK on Cain (Gen. 4:15; Rev. 13: 18) so that none of his brethren would KILL him (Gen. 4: 14-15) and that he could be traced down through the Ages and Dispensations. Cain went out from the presence of Yahweh in the Land of Nod and BUILT A CITY, Enoch, named after his Son (Gen. 4:17). Thus, we must, as a REPEAT, have 'A MAN' in this Age with the "MARK OF THE BEAST" on Him and 'A CITY' that he Controlled if the END IS DECLARED FROM THE BEGINNING (Isa. 46:9-10). THE BEAST MAN in this Age (see Vol. IV, picture opposite p. 60) with the MARK OF THE BEAST (666, Rev. 13:18) is the Pope of Rome who has a City (Rome, Rev. 17:3-5, 9, 18). Our Founder states in the Text, Vol. IV, page 18, second and third paragraphs:
"The Satanic Spirit or Satan himself, incarnated in 'A MAN', as stated by John in Revelations 13:17-18 which reads thusly: 'And that no man might buy or sell, save he that has the ~~RK, or the NAME OF THE BEAST, or the NUMBER OF HIS NAME. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath UNDERSTANDING count the NUMBER OF THE BEAST: for it is the NUMBER OF A MAN: and his NUMBER IS SIX HUNDRED THREESCORE and SIX' or 666. Plate 37 shows the Pope of Rome in his self-exalted position, trying to take the place of Yahweh, Elohim and the Holy Spirit (Yahshua), as compared with the TRUE which is shown in Plate 32, according to the Pattern, Plate No.1 (II Thess. 2:4).
In Plate 16A, page 16, we have Cain, the former agriculturist, who turned his attention to architecture and without any 'Divine Pattern or Instructions' from Yahweh, he with an evil and corruptible MIND builded the Earthly City of Enoch, as shown in Plate l6A. This Most Unholv Earthly City, like Vatican City, Plate 37A, in a figure falsely corresponds \vith the Most Holy Place in the Tabernacle, Plate lA, also Satan's self-exalted Seat of Authority BEFORE being cast out of Heaven, Plate 14A. This earthly City (the wicked capitol of the Earth) with Cain in complete control, did not stand very long before the WICK- EDNESS of man on earth was exceedingly great. The city of Enoch founded, built and controlled by Cain, who had the MARK (666) placed upon him was a FIGURE of the Pope of Rome, in the Vatican (Plate 37A) has the Mark of the Beast in his FOREHEAD and in his HAND, sitting upon HIS THRONE in the Earthly City of Rome, firmly establishing the Mystery of Iniquity and Mystery Babylon in this Present Age."
Now Enoch, the seventh from ADAM, in the Ante-Diluvian Age prophesied saying (Jude 14):
" ... Behold, Yahweh cometh with ten thousands of His Sons, to execute judgement upon all, and to convict all that are unholy among them of all their unholy deeds which they have unholy committed, and of all their hard speeches with unholy sinners have spoken against him (Jude 14-15)."
Enoch received this Prophecy in a VISION, although he didn't write anything, because Moses explained in his vision how Yahweh appeared to the Patriarchs in prior Ages and Dispensations (Ex. 6:3), but he (Moses) was the first prophet to write Yahweh's words. Enoch was translated and didn't see Death just as Elijah was translated (II Kgs. 2:11) in the Post-Diluvian Age which points to the True Sons being TRANSLATED into the Kingdom by the Blood of Yahshua the Messiah BEFORE one takes off the flesh (Col. 1:12-14; II Cor. 5: 1-5) .
Noah was the Tenth (10th) generation from ADAM and was the Prophet that Yahweh sent to close out the Ante-Diluvian Age by giving him a vision of the Flood (in the 480th year of his life) and Divine Instructions and Specifications to build the ARK. The REPEAT of this is Dr. Kinley being YAHWEH-ELOHIM in a body sent to close out this age, after having his Panoramic Vision and Divine Revelation, June 6, 1931, which shows that Yahweh-Elohim is the Archetype Pattern of the Universe. He warned the World to "COME OUT OF BABYLON" (Rev. 18:4) which he Judged by the publishing of our Textbook in 1961. Dr. Kinley stated that the World is DOOMED and that all should come into the ARK OF SAFETY which is Yahshua the Messiah.
Thus, this brief outline shows how the Events in the Ante-Diluvian Age REPEAT themselves in one manifestation or another in our Present Kingdom Age. These same Principles REPEAT themselves in the Post-Diluvian Age (Yahshua was the fulfillment of all these Events), but time and space will not allow us to explain them here. YAHHEH CHANGES NOT (Mal. 3:6), so all we have down through the Ages and Dispensations is Yahweh's Eternal Purpose and Plan REPEATING ITSELF over and over again by the Pattern.
Now to explain and prove to those that ask the question 'What are we supposed to be doing at the END of this AGE, since the Holy Spirit was Poured Out on the Day of Pentecost?', we must go to the Law and Prophets (Isa. 8:20). The Apostle John in his vision on the Isle of Patmos, in A.D. 96, stated that an Angel said the following after explaining to him how the BEAST with the Ten (10) Horns (Russian Kremlin) would BURN the WHORE (Rome, Rev. 17:16-17, 18th Chapter) :
"And I (John) fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See thou do it not! I am thy fellow servant, and of thy brethren that have the testimony of Yahshua. Worship Yahweh; FOR THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY." (Rev. 19:10)
THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY which is the same as the Law and Prophets that testify to Yahshua the Messiah (John 5:39). It is ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for one to see the importance of Believing and Knowing that THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY according to His Eternal Purpose and Plan. By this it is meant that Yahshua or Yahweh-Elohim has always REQUIRED that HIS SONS BELIEVE the TESTIMONY or PROPHECY (II Pet. 1:20-21). Yahweh-Elohim has always Divided Righteousness from Unrighteousness (sheep from goats) by giving ALL a Prophecy which they are REQUIRED TO BELIEVE or HAVE FAITH IN TO OBTAIN RIGHTEOUSNESS or SALVATION (Heb. 11:1, 6).
Adam and Eve's expulsion from the Garden by their Transgression ENDED the ADAMIC DISPENSATION and began the AGE OF CONSCIENCE In order to prove this, we have to go down through the Ages and Dispensations (Isa. 8:20) and show the Repetition. Now Adam was placed in the Garden to dress and keep it by Yahweh-Elohim (Gen. 2:15) and He (Yahweh-Elohim) gave Adam a LAW saying:
" ... Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat. But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it; for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." (Gen. 2:16-17)
We see that Yahweh-Elohim's LAW is prophesying the Death of the First Adam; just as the Law and Prophets (Isa. 8:20) prophesied of the Death, Burial and Resurrection of Yahshua the Messiah (the Second Adam) which no one knew before Pentecost because the book was sealed (Rev. 5:1-5). Now according to the Purpose of Yahweh the Woman is Deceived into partaking of the fruit by the Devil or the Serpent and she gave to her husband and he did eat and Died for his Bride, Eve. This prefigures Yahshua the Messiah dying for his Bride, Israel under the Dispensation of the Law (Rom. 7:1-4). Thus, Adam and Eve's expulsion from the Garden by their Transgression ENDED the ADAMIC DISPENSATION and began the AGE OF CONSCIENCE (Rom. 5:12-21; I Cor. 15:22). Since in Adam all men died, it necessitated that Yahweh send someone to Bury the DEAD in this Age. Remember the Brazen Altar of Sin Sacrifice in the Tabernacle Pattern is where the Dead Sacrifices were burnt but they had to be buried or washed in the Brazen Laver. So we see Yahweh-Elohim is not really prophesying these events, but they are occurring by the Archet!pe Pattern which is HIMSELF. Thus, when we are talking about PROPHECY we are in ACTUALITY talking about the operation of SPIRIT LAW in the Tabernacle Pattern.
SECOND (2nd) DISPENSATION Now beginning with NOAH we have Yahweh giving him a PROPHECY in a VISION (which would change the Dispensation) that it was going to RAIN and FLOOD or Bury the Earth, with Divine Instructions and Specification to BUILD THE ARK (Gen. 6:3-14). In order to be SAVED or PASSOVER from the Ante-Diluvian Age to the Post-Diluvian Age one had to Believe the Testimony of Noah (as the Children of Israel had to believe the Testimony of Moses) that it was going to Rain and Enter the ARK, i.e. known by Moses' Vision that only Eight (8) Souls entered the ARK OF SAFETY and the Wicked perished in the Flood because they Believed Not the Prophecy (II Pet. 2:5). Thus, we see that THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. This began the SECOND (2nd) DISPENSATION in Time or the Noahic Dispensation (Gen. 6:13-14; also see Vol. I. p. 7-8 "The Importance of Rightly Dividing the Seven Dispensations and Ages") .
We have Yahweh making a Covenant with Noah AFTER the Flood that He wouldn't Flood the Earth again and put a Bow in the Sky to REFLECT the Covenant between Yahweh and Noah (Gen. 9:8-17). Now the Noahic Dispensation ENDED when Noah's offspring failed to BELIEVE in this Covenant to Noah (the Prophecy of Yahweh that He would not flood the Earth again) and BUILT the Tower of Babel and a City (Gen. 11:1-4). Yahweh Confused their tongues and Scattered them (Gen. 11: 5-4). Again, we see Yahweh-Elohim states a Prophecy and the Devil and his Host incarnated in physical bodies Deceive (John 8:44) MANKIND into not believing it.
THIRD (3rd) DISPENSATION Yahweh appeared to Abraham (after being blessed by Melchizedek, King and High Priest of Salem) and told him that he would have a SON (Seed, typifying Yahshua the Messiah, Gal. 3:16) in his old Age and in him (Isaac, Abraham's Son) all the Families of the Earth would be Blessed (Gen. 15:1-5; Gal. 3:16). Now this is the THIRD (3rd) DISPENSATION (Gen. 12:1-3). Abraham Believed Yahweh would give him a Son and it was ACCOUNTED TO HIM FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS (Gen. 15:6). Again we see that THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSUA IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY and it is Required that One Believe it in order to Obtain Righteousness. Keep in mind that these Patriarchs were Moved by the Holy Spirit (II Pet. 2:5) to BELIEVE the Prophecy without a Knowledge or Understanding of Yahweh's Eternal Purpose, Pattern or Plan (I Pet. 1:10-13).
Moses had a VISION at the Burning Bush where Yahweh tells him (Moses) to go down in Egypt (Death, Hell and the Grave) and tell Pharoah (Satan) to let the Israelites go a Three (3) day Journey into the Wilderness to worship Him (YAHWEH, Ex. 5:1-3). Moses and Aaron guided by Joshua the Son of Nun (Yahweh-Elohim) poured out Ten (10) Devastating Plagues on Egypt (Josh. 24:5-7). At the time of the Tenth Plague of First-Born Man and Beast, the PASSOVER was Instituted. The Children of Israel BELIEVED that the Death Angel would Pass throughout Egypt as Yahweh told Moses and Aaron, so they put the Blood of the LAMB or Goat on the two-side posts of the door, and the lintel from the basin (Ex. 12: 1-24). Thus, we see the Israelites BELIEVED the Prophecy of Yahweh i.e. THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. It was the Israelites BELIEF in the Prophecy, that slaying the LAMB would enable them to RESURRECT out of Egypt or Death, Hell and the Grave, which SAVED them FROM THE Death Angel (Heb. 11:28-29).
FOURTH (4th) DISPENSATION of the Law Moses was the First Prophet of Yahweh who was Instructed by Yahweh to write what he saw in his VISION atop Mt. Sinai, the Ordinances of the Law, and the Experiences of the Children of Israel in Egypt and the Wilderness. All the things Holy that Moses wrote (I Pet. 1:10; II Pet. 1:20-21) by the INSPIRATION of the Holy Spirit Testified or Prophesied of One (Yahshua the Messiah) to come in which all of Israel MUST BELIEVE on Him, whom the Father hath sent (Deut. 18:15). The Giving of the Law to the Fulfillment (Matt. 5: 17-18) by Yahshua the Messiah was the FOURTH (4th) DISPENSATION in Time.
Likewise, all the Prophets from Joshua to Malachi substantiated or confirmed Moses (the Law) by Prophesying of the Messiah to come. Thus, we see that THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.
FIFTH (5th) DISPENSATION of the New Covenant When the Messiah was in His Ministry some of His Disciples asked Him:
"...What shall we do, that we might work the works of Elohim? Yahshua answered and said unto them, This is the work of Elohim, that YE BELIEVE ON HIM WHOM HE (THE FATHER) HATH SENT." (John 6:28-29)
So, the Jews had to BELIEVE THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, i.e. that Yahshua the Messiah would come to FULFILL the Law and Prophets (Matt. 5:17-18; Lk. 24: 25-27, 44-45) which testify of Him (Lk. 18:31-34; John 5: 36-39, 7:16-17) by His Death, Burial, Resurrection and Ascension in order to Receive the Holy Spirit. Thus, Yahshua the Messiah changed the FOURTH (4th) DISPENSATION of the Law to the FIFTH (5th) DISPENSATION of the New Covenant (Jer. 31:31-34; II Cor. 3:1-3; Heb. 10:4-20) or the Kingdom of Yahshua the Messiah Established with the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Now we see at the END of the Post-Diluvian Age, Yahweh according to His Eternal Purpose and Plan REQUIRED all in that Age and REQUIRES all in this Present Age to BELIEVE in HIS SON (the Paschal Lamb); just as the people in the Ante-Diluvian Age had to BELIEVE the Report of Noah, being a type of Yahshua, that it was going to Rain in order to make the PASSOVER from the Ante-Diluvian Age to the Post-Diluvian Age. It can be no different in this Age since Yahweh says HE CHANGES NOT (Mal. 3:6).
Apostle John was the Apostle that Yahshua loved (John 21:20-24) and he (John) was the Last Eyewitness left when he was banished by the Roman Emperor to the Isle of Patmos In A.D. 96. All the other Apostles had Died or were killed by the Devil (Rev. 13:4-7). The Apostle John states he was on the Isle of Patmos to "bare record of the WORD of Yahweh, and the Testimony of Yahshua the Messiah, and of all things that he (John) saw." (Rev. 1:2) Here, John was told to write what he SAW and HEARD in his VISION and REVELATION and SEND it to the Seven Assemblies which were in Asia.
We must keep in mind all the way down through the Ages and Dispensations Yahweh has always REQUIRED the Sons to BELIEVE THE TESTIMONY OF YAHSHUA IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. Just because this is a Spiritual Kingdom Age after the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit doesn't mean that there is NOT A PROPHECY at the END of this Age, as previous Ages had, that ONE MUST BELIEVE. Now this doesn't deny nor make Void Yahshua the Messiah's Death, Burial and Resurrection. THIS CONFIRMS IT.
Keep in mind each Dispensation corresponds with the Steps or Levels in the Tabernacle Pattern. As there are Seven (7) Steps in the Tabernacle, there must be Six Dispensations in time or within the Three Ages of Time; with the Seventh Dispensation representing the completion of the Purpose of Yahweh and its return to the Sabbath or Rest in the Day of Eternity. Thus, the FIFTH (5th) DISPENSATION or New Covenant (Kingdom of Yahshua) doesn't complete the Purpose of Yahweh through the Dispensations and Ages. For those in this Teaching who say 'I am required only to believe in the Death, Burial and Resurrection as stated in (I Cor. 15:1-4) and NOT the Prophecy of the Apostle John of the Beast with ten (10) Horns Burning the Whore (Rome, Rev. 17: 16-17)' make a GRAVE ERROR that makes VOID THEIR FAITH.
Yahweh told Ezekiel, " ... hear what I say unto thee; Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee. And when I looked behold, an hand was sent unto me; and, 10, a roll of a book was therein ... and there was written therein lamentations, and mourning and woe. Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, eat that thou findest; eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel. So I opened my mouth, and he caused me to eat that roll." (Ezk. 2:8-10, 3:1)
Ezekiel had to eat the entire roll. He couldn't pick and choose what he would tell the people.
First of all those that make this MISTAKE or ERROR show their lack of understanding of the Tabernacle Pattern and the Eternal Purpose and Plan of Yahweh. The Steps in the Tabernacle are as follows:
7) Most Holy Place 6) Second Vail 5) Holy Place 4) Door into the Holy Place or First Vail 3) Brazen Laver 2) Brazen Altar of Sin Sacrifice 1) Gate
The Fifth (5th) Dispensation in time which began this 3rd Age, June 6, A.D. 33~, 9:00 A.M. in Jerusalem (Present Kingdom Age) by the Messiah's Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit corresponds with the Holy Place by the Tabernacle. It is Yahshua the Messiah or Yahweh Elohim, the High Priest, who is officiating down through the Dispensations and Ages. The Purpose and Plan of Yahweh is NOT COMPLETED OR FULFILLED when Yahweh Elohim is at the 5th Step, no more than the Creation of Heaven and Earth was COMPLETE on the 5th Day OF Moses' Vision, nor the children of Israel's migration was COMPLETE in the Wilderness of Sinai, nor were the High Priest's duties COMPLETE on the Day of Atonement in the Holy Place. As we stated earlier, the Seven Steps in the Pattern, Seven Days of Creation, Canaan Land and the Most Holy Place Represent Perfection or the Completion of the Purpose of Yahweh because the Number 7 denotes Perfection (see Vol. I, pp. 126-127) .
Sixth (6th) Dispensation corresponds with the Second Vail What follows the Fifth (5th) Dispensation is the Sixth (6th) Dispensation which was Yahweh-Elohim manifested in the physical body of Dr. Kinley for the THIRD TIME. The Sixth (6th) Dispensation corresponds with the Second Vail in the Pattern which divides the Holy Place from the Most Holy Place. For a more detailed explanation of the Second Vail see "An Exegetical Analysis of Daniel's Prophecy of 1260 Days, 1290 Days, 1335 Days ... ", pp. 41, first paragraph through p. 43, first paragraph. The following quote comes directly from the " ...Daniel's Prophecy... " paper pages 46-50.
" Now finally we have the THIRD MANIFESTATION of Yahweh- Elohim in a body, taking over a physical body of a man, Dr. Kinley in 1931. Remember that Moses, Daniel and the Apostle John had prophesied that Satan and his Host (Dan. 7:25; Rev. 11:2, 13:4-5) would be given 42 months to deceive this whole Age by RESTORING CARNAL ORDINANCES in this Age after Yahshua's Death, Burial, Resurrection, Ascension and the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit for this was according to Yahweh's Eternal Purpose and Plan. THUS THE DEVIL PUT A VAIL over the whole world's Hearts and Minds, causing all small and great, rich and poor (Rev. 13:16-18) to eat Lord Suppers, get physically Water Baptized etc., in the name of Jesus Christ for Salvation (Rev. 13:7-8, 14-15). As a witness profane history tells us when Roman Catholics, Protestants or Christendom discovered (to use words) North and South America (THE NEW WORLD - Rom. 1:19-20), they converted the Indians to Christianity and killed those who didn't convert, i.e. those who would not get Water Baptized, eat Holy Eucharist, etc., for this was according to Yahweh's Purpose, Pattern and Plan (See Dan. 7:25; Rev. 13:4-11, 14-18) .
It was Yahweh-Elohim in Dr. Kinley that came to REMOVE THE VAIL of Restored Carnal Ordinances at the End of this Age by preaching the TRUE gospel of Yahshua the Messiah (Rev. 18:1-2, 14:6-7; I Cor. 15:1-4). He showed and proved by the Law and Prophets (Isa. 8:20) how this was a great Dispensational Error and could cause one to lose his soul (Rev. 14:9-12). Dr. Kinley (Yahweh-Elohim) judged "MYSTERY BABYLON the Abomination of the Earth" (Rev. 17: 4-5) by our Textbook being published in 1961 and cried with a loud voice "Come Out of Babylon MY People." (Rev. 18:4). He also said "Babylon is fallen is fallen." (Rev. 14:18, 18:1-2). The VAIL (Carnal Ordinances Restored) at the End of the Age was removed by the Divine Vision and Revelation of Dr. Kinley.
(For detailed proof of the THIRD MANIFESTATION of Yahweh Elohim, see "The Third Manifestation of Yahweh-Elohim... " by Dr. Peter Goudeaux III) . . . .
Remember Yahweh-Elohim had to show Moses the Vision of creation for the full six (6) days for him to fully understand and it was after the Third Trip into the mount that he understood (Ex. 34:29-34) why the Israelites built the Golden Calf, (after seeing the Edenic Transgression), just as it took the THIRD MANIFESTATION OF YAHWEH-ELOHIM in the flesh to explain to us the Transgression (Carnal Ordinances Restored - Heb. 10:26-31; Gal. 2:15-21) in this age along with the complete Purpose and Plan of Yahweh through the 6000 years (Vail of the Flesh on Earth or BEFORE the Universal Revelation). The complete understanding of Yahweh-Elohim's Purpose, Pattern and Plan that repeats itself over and over down through the Ages and Dispensations was not understood until Dr. Kinley took off the flesh (John 14:26, 16:7). Now we see that each of the two previous times Yahweh-Elohim was manifested In a physical body there was a change in Dispensations. Joshua the Son of Nun changed the 3rd Dispensation (Abraham's Call and Promise) to the 4th Dispensation of the Law. Yahshua the Messiah changed the 4th Dispensation of the Law (Old Covenant) to the 5th Dispensation of the New Covenant.Hence the Third Manifestation of Yahweh-Elohim in a physical body must also bring about a change (Mal.3:6) from the 5th Dispensation of the New Covenant to the 6th Dispensation which completes the purpose of Yahweh through the 6000 years and brings us to a more PERFECT understanding of Yahweh's Purpose and Plan (as is laid down in this paper) BEFORE THE UNIVERSAL REVELATION OF YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH FROM HEAVEN.
The Apostle John states: "Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which were written therein: for the time is at hand." (Rev. 1:3)
"And he said unto me, These sayings are faithful and true: and Yahweh-Elohim of the holy prophets sent His angels to shew unto his servants the things which must shortly be done. Behold I come quickly: Blessed is he that keepeth the saying of the Prophecy of this book. " (Rev. 22:6-7, see also Rev. 22: 18-19)
One can see the Book of Revelation, written by John at the beginning of this Age does Prophecy of SOMETHING TO COME AT THE END OF THIS AGE other than the Universal Revelation of Yahshua the Messiah. The other Apostles had DIED or had been Killed, not having the advantage of Seeing or Hearing this, (I Cor. 13:9-10) John's VISION and REVELATION which confirms Moses' Vision. No one for almost two-thousand (2000) years was able to UNDERSTAND this Book until Dr. Kinley's Panoramic Vision and Divine Revelation in 1931, which explains Moses' and the Apostle John's visions (Vol. I, pp. 69-86), just as no one in the Post-Diluvian Age was able to UNDERSTAND the Law and Prophets UNTIL Yahshua the Messiah CAME and EXPOUNDED on them or LOOSENED the Seal on the book (Rev. 5:1-5).
The Founder states throughout the Text in many places there would be a 'UNIVERSAL CATASTROPHE' between the Papacy and the Russian Kremlin (Vol. IV, p. 82, first paragraph, Vol. IV, p.7, second paragraph, etc.), confirming the Apostle John's PROPHECY of the Beast with Ten (10) Horns (Russian Kremlin) BURNING the WHORE (Rome, Rev. 17:4-5, 9, 12, 16-18) and the Unbelieving World will receive PLAGUES just as Pharoah and Egypt did BEFORE the Children of Israel made their Migration out. So for One to DENY that ROME WILL BE BURNT by the BEAST with the Ten (10) Horns (Russian Kremlin) IS TO DENY John's VISION and CALL YAHSHUA THE MESSIAH A LIAR. Now John wrote:
"And I (John) saw these things and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the feet of the Angel which shewed me these things." ... "For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto this book, Yahweh shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book: And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, Yahweh shall take away his part out of the book of LIFE, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." (Rev. 22:8, 18-19).
The BOOK that is referred to here is the BOOK OF REVELATION and is Paramount to OUR SALVATION to UNDERSTAND what is written (THE PROPHECY) therein, in accordance to the Law and Prophets and Dr. Kinley's Panoramic Vision and Revelation, by the Divine Tabernacle Pattern. MAY YAHWEH BLESS YOU WITH UNDERSTANDING IS OUR HUMBLE PRAYER. ]]>