<![CDATA[PLIM, Inc. Wholistic Ministry, Metaphysical Herbalist, Health, Wealth, Gold, Silver, Current Events, Trends, Spiritual Reality - P4_Wars, Pestilences_CoVID-19_Famines Unfold_3-30-21]]>Sat, 21 Dec 2024 05:17:49 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[P. 4, Wars, Pestilences (CoVID-19), and Famines Unfold Under Mad Joe's Regime.]]>Sat, 03 Apr 2021 17:18:09 GMThttp://plim2.org/p4_wars-pestilences_covid-19_famines-unfold_3-30-21/p-4-wars-pestilences-covid-19-and-famines-unfold-under-mad-joes-regimeFrom PLIM Email 3-30-21

P. 4, Wars, Pestilences (CoVID-19), 

and Famines Unfold Under Mad Joe's Regime 

Wars, famines, and pestilences (part of the Seven Seals in Revelation 6th Chapter) are unfolding before the peoples eyes. As spring comes forth, many things are about to surprise the world. Their attention is focused on the CoVID-19 vaccination program as the government pushes this poison. Experts are saying this CoVID-19 pestilence will be with us for years and there are plans to terrorize the people with other pestilences. The NWO agenda is going according to their plan. 

The trend of events show these tyrannical NWO forces are well on their way to fulfilling the prophecies of Revelation in unrighteousness. Pestilences are one of the components being created to implement their diabolical plan. In Revelation pestilence is depicted by the pale horse and its rider called death (Rev. 6:7-9).

The Mystery of Iniquity, NWO, forces are following the script laid down in Revelation for carrying out Elohim’s purpose.  

War is the next part of their plan. Now war is depicted by the White Horse and its rider with a bow and crown, who went forth conquering, and to conquer (Rev. 6:3-4). The other horse that depicted war is the Red Horse with a rider who was given a great sword and power to take peace from the earth (Rev. 6:3-4) 

War is what the world has today. It is not aired in the news, but the areas that have sparks are Syria being bombed by Israel and Russia warning Israel not to do this any more. US, Israel, and Turkey are stealing Syrian oil and Russia is bombing them. 

The other area of conflict is the Ukraine where two states of the Ukraine succeeded from it and want to join Russia for they are Russian speaking. 

The Ukraine government has 250,000 troops, tanks, etc., on their border. In the same manner, both states have their troops amassed on their borders facing the Ukraine. In addition, Russia has placed troops on their borders to support these states. 

NATO has a treaty with Ukraine. So they are sending forces into the region. Some experts say Ukraine may act after Easter or this summer. This could be a major break out between Russia and NATO with the two proxy forces.

Ukraine Military Buildup Against Rebel 
Donbass Continues - Summer War Feared

Russia Minister of Foreign of Affairs blame EU for wrecking Russia relations with European nations. This video shows the Russia Bear and China dragon have an alliance, which spells big trouble for the US and her allies.

Lavrov Blames EU For Wrecking Russia's Relations with European Nations

This month in Alaska (49th state) “… the first high-level meeting between U.S.-Chinese officials under the new Biden administration got off to a chilly start on Thursday, with senior American diplomats accusing China of threatening world stability and Chinese officials alleging America is a human rights hypocrite due to its mistreatment of Black citizens.” The Biden team headed by Secretary of State Antony Blinken and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan met with the Chinese delegation headed by the foreign ministry's Zhao, and others, Yang Jiechi, China's top diplomat, and his subordinate, Foreign Minister Wang Yi. 

The Chinese delegation tore into the US delegation. “Yang, …, warned the United States to back off and accused it of hypocrisy. He said the United States uses its financial and military might to bully other countries. He also said America had its own long history of human rights problems and foolish actions abroad.”

China and U.S. open Alaska meeting with undiplomatic war of words

“We do not believe in invading through the use of force, or to topple other regimes through various means, or to massacre the people of other countries, because all of those would only cause turmoil and instability in this world,” Yang said.” 

Blinken say Chinese actions "threaten the rules-based order that maintains global stability. That's why they're not merely internal matters.” It is obvious that China was telling the US delegation that they believe its their time to rule which is the demeanor of the dragon. To a certain extent they are correct. Clearly, a war is coming but no one will come out and say it. It going to take Yahweh to cast down the dragon as He did Pharaoh in the Red Sea.

China strikes massive deal with Iran as US conducts war games  
China the red dragon conducts a trade deal with Iran (Persia) in return for 25 years of Iran oil. This deal is a slap in the face of the US.

China Calling for Civilizational War Against America and the West

The China Red Dragon show their power in the South China Sea. The dragon put 200 militia ships off the coast of the Philippines who put its Air Force on alert. The dragon has laid claim to the South China Sea. As Pharaoh was the great dragon on the sea (Ezekiel 29:3), China is the great dragon in the South China Sea. The World Court (Hague and nations of the world) does not acknowledge China’s Claim.

China wants Taiwan back, which is 6% of US trade. War is on the horizon leading to the last one, WW3.

Philippines Puts Air Force on "ALERT" Over 200 China Militia Ships off coast

Governments are becoming more tyranny everyday and most people can’t see it. President Biden’s administration and world nations are putting together proof of vaccination programs that will be required to travel, get a job, etc. Clearly, this is a prelude to the Mark of the Beast, which Apostle John warned would occur almost 2,000 years ago in AD 96, on the Isle of Patmos, where he received the panoramic vision of Revelation.

How Many Adverse Events from Covid Mass-Jabbing Are too Many?

“Over 100 million Americans have been jabbed so far as part of the largest-ever-scale experiment with human health already turning out very badly.
Millions of Americans and countless others abroad were harmed. Many millions more face contraction of one or more major diseases in their lifetime from toxins in covid jabs.”

It’s ‘entirely possible’ vaccine campaigns ‘will be used for massive-scale depopulation’: Former Pfizer VP said that the drive to inject the largest possible portion of the population with experimental COVID-19 vaccines is 'madness,' involves 'evil,' incl

Situation Update, Mar 29: Demons MATERIALIZING in start of epic WAR against humanity:Hollywood and the music industry are doubling down on their open worship of Lucifer, and the DEMONcrats are making sure that open borders child trafficking

1.5 To 2 Billion People Have Already Had COVID
Fatality Rate Is Microscopic 0.15% — New Study

68 Yr Old Dies After COVID Kill Shot, CDC Continues
To Ignore Inquiry Into Increasing Number Of Dead

Is this the beginning of the Mark of the Beast (Rev. 13:17-18)? Do you have proof of your vaccination. No proof, No travel, No proof, No Job, ... etc.
Why did the US go full full Hitler.  
Time 3:19

Fourth stimulus check coming
The government is scared to stop printing money because if they do, the economy, which is based on 70% consumer spending, will collapse. The consumers have no money coming in except for the stimulus and 50 million people are unemployed.

6 points that address the instability of the globe.
Bill Blain: Brace, Brace, Brace
