<![CDATA[PLIM, Inc. Wholistic Ministry, Metaphysical Herbalist, Health, Wealth, Gold, Silver, Current Events, Trends, Spiritual Reality - P3_Wars, Pestilences_CoVID-19_Famines Unfold_3-27-21]]>Fri, 20 Dec 2024 17:07:32 -0800Weebly<![CDATA[P. 3, Wars, Pestilences (CoVID-19), and Famines Unfold Under Mad Joe's Regime.]]>Sat, 03 Apr 2021 17:15:18 GMThttp://plim2.org/p3_wars-pestilences_covid-19_famines-unfold_3-27-21/p-3-wars-pestilences-covid-19-and-famines-unfold-under-mad-joes-regimeFrom PLIM Email 3-27-21

P. 3, Wars, Pestilences (CoVID-19), 
and Famines Unfold Under Mad Joe's Regime. 

To all readers: There are so many events happening in the world, at the climax of this age, it is impossible to cover them all. The articles and videos below reflect a mere dot in the world’s occurrences this week.

America Secret Society-Skull ☠️ Bones Yale University

This is one of the most secret societies in America that has elected three presidents, at least one Supreme Court Justice, and numerous senators and House members. Skull & Bones financed the Opium trade in Asia, possibly the African Slave trade, and the Nazis during World II. This is one of the most powerful secret societies that are bringing in the NWO. Infowars Alex Jones does an excellent job on this documentary.

President Biden’s Continue Saga
Incidents continue to increase revealing demented President Biden’s health issues. Yet, the media persists in covering up for him. 

President Biden’s first press conference was a disaster to those with eyes to see what actually occurred. How he fumbled through this press conference although he had a teleprompter, notes, and prearranged questions was a fiasco. 

“At 78, his physical fragility shows. His cognitive abilities rapidly wane. A Time Magazine interview last year made a special note of that reality. His understanding of current events escapes him beyond what's happening today. He simply cannot be in full command of the office of the President of the United States. Somebody is pulling his strings. Everyone knows it: the emperor isn't wearing any clothes.”

Joe Biden WAY Past the Threshold of Senility & Fragility

In an article reported by FOX NEWS on Biden’s press conference entitled “It’s Worse Than We Thought: FOX News Reporter Says Joe Biden Was Asked But Had No Idea He’s Holding a Press Conference on Thursday”says it all. Its a shame this weak and inept image of America’s leader is being broadcast throughout the world. See the article above and those below.

BREAKING: Biden Had Cheat Sheets that Included Photos of Reporters to Identify Them — It Was This Bad!

Biden Suffers Humiliating Moment On LIVE T.V…

The Second Amendment gives Americans the right to bear arms that cannot be infringed upon by any legislature. Do we have a Constitution? Now one sentence in the 2nd Amendment states: “A well regulated militia, being necessary for the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”  Then the question arises: why is demented President Biden trying to put together an Executive Order attacking the second Amendment? Criminals don’t register their guns.

Whitehouse Confirms Biden Looking to “Get the Job Done” With Executive Orders on Gun Measures

 Population Control & CoVID-19 Side Effects
The agenda of the NWO is population control. Quoting from an article entitled “Dropping sperm counts mean we’re headed toward extinction” below states: “We are half as fertile as our grandfathers were. And if the trend continues, we may very well reach a point where the human race is unable to reproduce itself.” This is mainly do to vaccines, plastics, and pharmaceutical drugs in the water. This is not include abortions, etc.

Dropping sperm counts mean we’re headed toward extinction

Deaths and side effects of CoVID-19 vaccinations continue to increase week by week, month by month with no end in sight. The public is not making a connection between the side effects and CoVID-19 vaccinations because the media is censored. Now the CDC has about 10% of the reported side effects of the CoVID-19 on their website but they denied this have anything to due with CoVID-19 vaccinations. Time will bring this to the light as the Messiah said in Luke 12:2-3 " ... whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light ... ."

68-Year-Old Dies After Anaphylactic Reaction to COVID Vaccine as CDC Continues to Ignore Inquiry Into Increasing Number of Deaths

Welcome to the 'COVID Testing Industrial Complex', Which Is Fast Becoming a $100 Billion a Year Industry 

Is Fauci's Reign Ending? You Won’t Believe Why! Millions to Starve!

Dr. Sherri Tenpenny: How The Depopulation COVID Vaccines Will Start Working In 3-6 Months

Situation Update, Mar 26: Vaccinated people are walking biological time bombs and a THREAT to society;Fauci, the NIH and the CCP needed billions of humans to serve as bioweapons factories in order to accelerate their ultimate genocidal bioweapon 

Wars and Rumors of Wars

The American people are in La La Land or Disneyland regarding nations' preparations for World War III. Again, American news is being censored concerning America, Russia, and China preparing missile launches, bomb runs, submarine attacks on each other. This means that they are actually practicing these maneuvers. 

This is frightening news and the American media wants the American people to be happy, spend, and not worry about such things. Revelation says this beast will burn the whore (Rev. 17:16-17) which is synonymous with World War III. This means the eastern nations of Russia and China are going to war with the former nations of the Roman empire. Today they are England, France, Spain, Portugal, to list a few. Below are articles on this topic. 

Three Russian Ballistic Missile Submarines Just Surfaced Through The Arctic Ice Together The unprecedented exercise served as a bold statement of Russia's presence and capabilities in the increasingly tense Arctic region. 

Chinese Bombers Simulated Attack on US Aircraft Carrier in South China Sea Three Days After Biden Inauguration 

Sowing Seeds of War:China Is Losing Patience with Washington. 'You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry'China tells Washington, and China is getting angry. 

Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney: ‘We are in World War III. We did not have a pandemic… we had a biological attack’ 

China flies at least 20 war planes in Taiwan airspace


World Economies Are Failing 
Along with Money. Do you have any Silver?
Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dream where he prophesied Egypt would experience seven years of plenty and suffer seven years famine. Now along with this famine, money failed (Gen. 47:15). 

This year the US dollar declined 20% and America suffered various bad harvests. Have you wondered why food prices are sky rocketing? Now this is just the beginning. The book of Revelation prophesied the famine of the black horse and its rider with scales (Rev. 6:5-6) along with Babylon Falling (Rev. 18). In fact, this is beginning to occur now. 

PLIM has warned the people in Chicago on cable for almost twenty years to buy silver and get prepared. Americans are not aware of what is occurring, but they will, when they spend 20% - 35% of their income on food.

Things That Make Me Go Hmmm: Inflation, Crypto, Command Economies and Gold. 

More Than One-Third of Corn Belt Farmland Has Completely Lost Its Carbon-Rich Topsoil

Situation Update, Mar 22nd: Financial red alert: Government has created the PERFECT STORM for financial collapse – NaturalNews.com

There will be no economic boom after the pandemic - Richard Wolff [Global Capitalism]

Economic Update: The System Implodes: Amazon, Evictions, Tax Abuses, & Minimum Wages